29 December 2003

A list of wants.

I want:
  • To work on my website
  • To have my digicam back
  • To see my Chico
  • To be nicer to my wonderful Mommy!
  • To go back to school
  • To get something concerning my future straightened out
  • To have more information on the Advertising "field trip" on the 5th
  • To have directions to said Advertising agency
  • To be all grown up
  • To be a little kid
  • To be less confused about who I am ;)
  • To plan and organize my life!
  • To plan in some spontaneous moments in my life ;)
  • To have an internship (perhaps at mentioned advertising agency?)
  • To be like Mary Wells Lawrence (author of A Big Life [In Advertising]) because she had such a fascinating life
  • To visit Europe (To have a villa? Wouldn't that be nice!)
  • To be financially stable (when I grow up) so that life can be relatively care-free
  • Perhaps, to be a little less pampered (erm.. spoiled)
  • To have things go well during Jan Term/Semester concerning job-like things
  • To have snow (at opportune moments, such as, after the first week of the Semester)
  • To buy some nice things with my Christmas booty ~ I got gift cards to Kohl's (used it today to buy some snow boots ^_^), Target, Blockbuster, Staples, Starbucks, and Best Buy :) whee! And I still have one for Borders from last year.
  • To have fun with my friends and family :)

26 December 2003

So how about that Christmas!

Christmas was very fun! On Christmas Eve I went up to Chico's for mass and to exchange gifts with him and his family. Jessie and J gave me a skirt from NY&Co (I still need to try it on) and his mom gave me a nice cardigan (speaking of - it would probably go well with the 2.51 shirt I bought at Hecht's today ^_^). I just gave them gift cards... which went over very well, actually! (Good work, Chico...). I enjoyed giving Chico a set of "stages of drinking" coasters (sober, buzzed, wasted, hungover) which amused everyone, as well as his black silk PJs ;) Of course, he was told that only he and Hugh Hefner have a pair of black silk pajamas, but he didn't mind at all! He gave me the Indiana Jones DVD set (yay!, and it's widescreen too - such a perceptive boy ~_^), a nice Kenneth Cole Reaction watch (of course it had to be Kenneth Cole!), and a little black dress from Cach�! It was a very nice evening :) I love hanging out with him.

Anyway. So I came back home that night and finished up wrapping presents for the family, and Christmas morning turned out wonderfully. Among other things, I got a pool cue, many gift cards, some dinero, and a book of dream interpretation :) Went out to the mall, but as stated earlier, only got one thing - A really neat strapless shirt that cost 2.51 from Hecht's! I looked around some other places, but I didn't buy anything because the lines were just too long! I like shopping/browsing, but it's not worth it to wait in line for a half hour just to get a couple of things!

Things are going very well. I've been having some unsettling dreams, though. Perhaps I should dip into that dream book ;) I'm not having scary dreams, just unsettling ones. Hm.

I'm very happy and excited. :)

25 December 2003


Merry Christmas everyone!

Updates later after the family stuff is over.

Edit: I really just don't feel like writing tonight.. instead I will watch James Bond on Spike TV in honor of Chico ;)

23 December 2003


A little belated gloating about my grades from this past semester ^_^

I did rather well in my classes, but I am a bit disappointed that I didn't get an A+ in Professional Comm, I think I deserved it! Hehe. Oh well ;)

Principles of Econ: A-
Principles of Management: A (I think he must have given me some leeway, because I know I was borderline B - therefore A- - before the final. Or I did a smashing job on the final)
Play, Ceremony, and Performance [Honors]: A
Quantitative Res. Methods: B+
Qualitative Res. Methods: A
Professional Comm: A
Choir: A+
Piano: A-

Semester GPA: 3.88
Cumulative GPA: 3.72


I just finished baking up some Date Pinwheels; they turned out very well - yummy! I am so psyched about being able to go on the internet. I feel so much more in tune with things ^_^ Whee!

22 December 2003


After nearly a week long hiatus from the internet, I am finally back online! Somehow, mom's computer "magically" got fixed while at the computer place. I think they did something. Because there are random things "missing" and stuff. It's weird. But I'm back online.. although now my mom is paranoid that I will "do something" to screw the computer up... it wasn't really my fault to begin with! Just because it went into hibernate mode because somehow the power strip got turned off...


Christmas is almost here and I have done shopping for my family and Jon. I am very displeased because Jon's special gift is backorderd till who-knows-when... unfortunately, I did not realize this because I have not been able to check my email. This would have been a good time to be at school, at least they have computer labs there.

I want to go on AIM but I think mom would flip if I downloaded it. I swear, she's computer literate enough to be paranoid, but not enough to understand what things do. Eepers. It can be frustrating sometimes - especially since I do not have my own computer with me.

I've been doing some baking over the past week - just cookies. Peanut Butter Blossoms (yum!) and recently made up a batch of Date Pinwheels that need to be baked. Tree is still not decorated.. unfortunately, a phone call to Chico lasted over an hour and took up some tree-time.

I feel stressed for some reason. In the sense that things are not getting done, or that I am forgetting something...

Chico came down this past Friday to take me out to see Return of the King; unfortunately, we got movie times mixed up and wound up seeing Stuck on You. Which.. I thought would just be mindless humor. It was indeed mindless, with bits and pieces of humor. Definitely wouldn't see it again. I want to see Mona Lisa Smile, even though it did not do well in the critiques department, but the critic simply said that the movie was not unique, and that it simply catered to people's emotions... which is fine by me.

I may be getting another job at school! At the library, no less. If it works out, I will upgrade from a library groupie to a library worker ;) Extra money never hurts. Especially in my case. I am very excited to get organized for next semester. I am really quite OCD when it comes to organization of stuff. Even if it is in organized piles. :P

I hope I can see my friends before I leave for school again.. Let's see, sometime between X-mas and New Years, or sometime between new years and the fourth. I'll be heading back to school at around 11am on the 4th... Woo woo for Jan term!

I think I may add a few links to the sidebar before I go to bed. Maybe.

(I think I've written enough to compensate for the past week, now)

15 December 2003


Uneventful. I am a big huge mega-slacker in terms of holiday giving this year. That's what happens when you have final exams I guess.

I am very sad... I want to update my site so badly... and... I can't because I do not have my computer. *sigh* I promise it will be a great site though. Hehe.

I am very bored.

14 December 2003

New template

I like this template SO much better than the old one. SO much better. :)

Saddam got captured today, well at least Bush is justified now. My theory was that he was waiting for the holiday season - then get some reindeer from the russians and pretend to be santa claus to get out :-P I'm terrible. (first thing I thought of when I saw his beard).

Found the most interesting blog today- Belle de Jour. It may go into my "I read" section (especially considering I do not have my computer [and therefore my favorites] with me). I am highly amused by the blog.

I'm tired. I may go to bed now... if I am not distracted by something shiny.

Urge to.. design

I really, really, want to do some graphic design - work on my new website template (which I think will turn out very nicely!) which I'm calling Mediterraneo. It has very tuscan, golden, hues complemented by a nice sea-blue. I think the layout will be nice- I'm going to incorporate a lot of things with this version that I've been wanting to put on my website (templates, icons, etc). It should be cool.

I also want to redo my blogger layout. Of course. I can't be satisfied, can I? :-P All this creative energy has to go somewhere... maybe I'll sketch out a few ideas that can be image-less (so I can just type it all up using html/css). Or something.

I'm excited: I sent an email for a "Road Trip" to an Advertising agency through my school. I really hope I can be a part of it - they do internships, and it would just be AWESOME if I could get one for the summer. Especially since I'm doing an Advertising Jan Term, which I am also excited about :) Of course, Jan Term should wind up being exciting on so many levels! Whee!


So I came home today.. it's, well, home, slightly updated though. Looking really good :) I like being home... but it's kind of tedious at first because mommy and daddy want to keep spending lots of quality time with me... and, well, I'm just used to spending time, um, by myself, or with jon who generally doesn't ask me a lot of questions about school :-P It's cool, I just get a little impatient sometimes.

My piano jury went very well!! I got an A- overall, and my level was raised from a 4.9 (advanced intermediate) to 5.2 (lower advanced) - 3 points! :) I was very proud of myself. I'm starting 2 new pieces over break, a Chopin Nocturne and a Bartok piece. It should be interesting, I will be excited to do a nocturne. Good ol' dr. Krieder wants me to do a recital... sometime in the future. And be a music minor. Oy Dr. Kreider. :-P

Last night was *uber* fun! I love hanging with all my girls. You guys rock my world (and don't forget Alli - you're gonna knock on my door :-P). CAN'T WAIT for Jan term. It'll rock. I'll gain experience (yeah advertising!) and be with the best peoples on earth!

Hehe it's late. But it was a great end of semester/beginning of break.

10 December 2003


I want to do so many things other than study for/do finals and stuff. I want to clean my room, I want to do a new blog template, I really really really want to clean my room, I want to get organized for next semester and Jan term (by the way, my book for Jan term only costs 14 bucks!!) I don't want to study for econ. I don't want to "play" for theatre, I am indifferent towards my piano... but I REALLY need to practice. REALLY need to. Since it's tomorrow and stuff.

Meeeh!! :-\


It's very late at night (or very early in the morning) and I have ran out of motivation... well, it's probably better to say that I never had any motivation, and I've just decided that I won't be getting any anytime soon.

Suddenly, I'm feeling tired of the pinkness. It seemed fresh and new on my mom's computer (which shows colours differently than mine)... but eh. I'm thinking something a little more.. streamlined and, well, nicer looking. I want to add a few things, too, which will have to be worked in.. frequently read blogs, favorite websites, current read/song/whatever. Things like that. I thought I had found something really cool called BlogAmp... but apparently it only works with winamp 2.0 o.O And other plugins for 3.0 seem to only work with blogging clients (like w.bloggar). Bah humbug to that. But I do tend to have songs that I listen to over and over again for a period of time, so I can put those up without too much fuss and trouble.

I'm thinking white/cream/a pale color background with some vivid streamlined colors and images.

I wish I had my digicam. I feel like taking random pictures.

Random thought: I like the shirt I'm wearing because it makes me feel well endowed.

I'm tired... I'll study till Jon comes back from work. Blah to econ. I'll probably be getting a B in that class... A-/B+/B in Management, A/A+? in Prof Comm (I wish!), A/A- in Qual, A/A- In quant... A-/B+/B in Piano, A+ in choir...

Hmm. Not too bad... not like my straight A's (um, was it last semester? I think so! I was very proud of that. Booyah). Honestly though, I really don't stress about grades so much. Unless I think I'll be getting a C... other than that... I'm cool :-P

(wow I just ramble on, don't I!)

09 December 2003

Word of the day

So, I guess I failed yesterday's goal for wordness. Oh well, it's not like I need to use it in order to remember it.

Word of the Day
LOCO (adj., n., v. tr.) - Insane; a crazy person, locoweed; to poison with locoweed, to make crazy.


So far I've been freaked out twice by snow falling right past my window from the roof. I think I may be going loco. (yes, pathetic attempt, I know)

I may post another 20 things instead of doing work. Although I really do need to study for econ tomorrow. eepers! :-P

08 December 2003

One Hundred Things

The first of five, 20 item, installments

1. One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone doesn't turn the shower off all the way.. drip.. drip.. aaaah!
2. I'm not annoyed by hair in the shower. Usually because it's mine.
3. I'm surprised I'm not bald (due to the amount of hair that comes out in the shower)
4. I love being near water (ie: lake). It calms me.
5. Nestea makes me hyper.
6. I can hold my own with Tequila shots
7. I have a loving boyfriend
8. He buys me lots of things
9. I'm cynical when it comes to church
10. But I have faith
11. I love to laugh
12. I'm a Phi Mu
13. I like my room to be neat (organized piles!), not cluttered
14. I never liked coffee till I met a Starbucks Mocha.
15. My boyfriend says I'm addicted to Starbucks now (I'm not.)
16. I never went to Sheetz until my Junior year
17. I love the Pretzel Melt (Bavarian ham, Provolone)
18. Wawa is not as good as Sheetz (well, I've only been there once)
19. I have a secret desire to cook/bake
20. I do everything possible to try and keep my life in order.

Done one exam

Glad that management is over. Although currently I feel like CRAP because I (think i) have a cold. My temp is below normal- Jon said that's usually connected to a cold virus. I think I may have a sinus infection because my eyes are so watery (and my head hurts).

Sometimes I think it would be neat to have a LiveJournal, as it appears that so many people I know have them. I actually looked into LJ when I was first getting into the whole online journal thing (*sigh*) about.. a year and a half ago. Unfortunately, at that time I didn't know anybody who had one, and didn't feel like paying, so I couldn't open an account. And I like Blogger because it's just so incredibly flexible.. you can do practically anything you want with it... without paying. I just wish there was some way to view "friends" entries. Oh well. I guess it's LJ's way of recruiting.

I will be posting the first installment to my "100 things" soon.

Word of the Day (brought to you by A.W.A.D)
AMIGO (n.) - a friend

(Goal: To use the word at least once in a post today)

06 December 2003


I added a link to my pictures slideshow there on the right (>) for everyone to enjoy. I'm still researching on a way to make a drop-down list type deal so you can choose which picture to see. All in all, I think it looks pretty good - simple and effective.

Speaking of... I think I may do a redesign of my site... :)


It snowed, yet we still had class (the only institution in the area that was open). I really didn't mind.. I didn't have much to do in any of my classes anyway. We did our ritual (inside Ensor Lounge - thank goodness), and it actually turned out well because a few people showed up for it. I think Ron liked it a lot. Booyah.

Snow is very much fun! It's very pretty and white outside... i wish they wouldn't plow/shovel, it makes it look so uuugly. Blah blah, safety first, blah blah. Or something like that. Unfortunately it probably won't last through next week.

Had a fun time last night at Brad's watching Pirate's of the Carribean. A really fun group of people. Afterwards, Jon and I went over to Heather's and hung out for a little bit before getting back at about 1.30.

And now.. time to start cramming for finals. :P

04 December 2003


Yay!! It's snowing :) I'm indifferent about school cancellations.. I really don't have to do anything tomorrow anyway (except for the ritual.. erm.. yeah.. i could live without that one).

Let it snow,
Let it snow,

03 December 2003

Work, work, work

I was excited about my week because I didn't think that I had much to do. I forgot about the Case Study that is due tomorrow.. :P ..luckily it's a group project and my groupies aren't slackers like me ^_^ I got it done though, and I think it's pretty good all put together.

And... speaking of papers... the one that I was so stressed about? That I was so worried about? That I printed out the time class was supposed to be starting? Well, we got them back today... and my teacher LOVES my paper. An example for the rest of the class to follow ;) Just goes to show that I work well under pressure... or something like that... :)

It made my day great!!

Also, I made a gingerbread (graham cracker) house today during the Phi Mu COB event. It was fun, I've never made one before! I wish my digicam wasn't broken [it will get fixed over break though :D] or I would take a picture of it to share. It was a nice house (although some of the girls at half the roof and made it into a gingerbread TRAILER, LOL).

I've been thinking about my "100 things about me" ... I think of things when something happens.. only problem is I have a hard time remembering them.

I made a prototype for my photo pop-up window thing. I like it ^_^ [yay for procrastination]

I am happy because, soon, stress will be aaaallll goooone!

[whew! long post]

01 December 2003

An idea

I just thought of a new way to display my photos. Make a pop-up window with nav arrows and a drop down list of all photos for reference. Cool, neh? I guess. Perhaps I'm just a nerd who likes to think of ways to procrastinate ^_^

29 November 2003


Apparently "100 things about me lists" are the fad among blogs. I am intrigued... however, I shall not torture everyone by posting a list in a single post. Nope. I'm thinking maybe 20 at a time. Of course you realize this is mostly due to laziness and also due to the fact that I will have immense trouble trying to come up with at least half of that. A challenge of introspection and all that.

I wish I had something interesting to say...

Commercials are starting to get on my nerves. I used to be a commercial fiend.. a commercial.. connoisseur, if you will. And, alas, the state of these mid-sitcom revelries is severe. Half of the commercials nowadays are about cars. Or stores. Or something else equally boring. I am losing faith with the mirth commercials can provide - remember classics like the "do-be-do" penguin, and the bud-weis-er frogs (before they got run into the ground). Shows like "the greatest commercials on earth" showing how advertising agencies raise the bar on enjoyment. Not any more. However, this evening I was rewarded with a commercial gem among the rough stones: a Miller (lite?) commercial. "People Dominos" - it was great. It got your attention, made you laugh, and got the point across. Heck, I even remember what the commercial was for.

Commercial people, you need to get your butts in gear!!

A new look

I've been yearning for a new look for a little while now... however, I have also been very busy. I'm fond of the pink/yellow scheme. It makes me happy.

Had thanksgiving dinner at Jon's house, it was very nice... got to spend lots of time with Chico. Wednesday we went up to Hashawa and hiked for a while (sometimes taking "shortcuts" :-P)... then thursday was thanksgiving stuff (played lots of nintendo, lol)... then friday I went shopping with his fam in the morning, then home in the afternoon.

Tired and hungry (pseudo-thanksgiving dinner soon! :D)

24 November 2003


I'm going to have a lot of stress compacted into 24 hours. Meeeh! So, if I am reclusive or edgy, that's why...

19 November 2003

My blog is boring.

But other people actually have quality stuff! Lol.

(Instead of cleaning my room, I, of course, surfed the web)

I got an interesting tidbit off of Michael Hanscom's blog ... via the Blogger article how not to get fired.... Apparently, the creators of the C programming language and the Unix system were just playing a hoax on the rest of the world, never realizing that the rest of the world would actually take the language and run!

It cracks me up to no end... and there, ladies and gentlemen, is proof that I am the uber-dork I appear not to be ;)

I have learned both Pascal and C++ (to some extent). I can't really propose an opinion that one is generally better than the other... because I took Pascal senior year of high school (and did a smashing good job, I might add!), and took C++ as recently as last fall. The only thing that really did not make sense (conceptually) about C++ is that we were instructed to put all the functions below the actual coding. Pascal, we put them above... seems more logical to me. I still have my old pascal programs... and it's funny too, because when I was taking Pascal, Borland had essentially stopped producing the Pascal software commercially, so we had to use an old DOS version on our home PCs.

Heh heh heh. That's a great practical joke...

I need to

Clean my room. Badly.

15 November 2003

I swear my dreams are on crack.

I had some really messed up dreams last night. WEIRD dreams. Some highlights:

  • I was in my car, driving around a parking lot, finally park next to this lady; I ask her if she's staying and she says no. She's... cleaning her car out- vacuuming and stuff.

  • I'm outside of a house, on the roof. There's a party. I look and see the police.. i tell the people inside, then I start running away because I was afraid that I was going to get arrested for telling them. I'm running down alleys and bouncing between things. Then Sarah comes over and said "it was no big deal, they didn't go inside".

  • I was inside a store; I see these aliens walking around- an "adult" one and two "children"; Suddenly they disappear, except the little one is trying, jumping up and down.

  • This lady comes up to me, straight (but kinda flowy/wavy) brown hair, just past her shoulders. She ... doesn't really ask, I just kinda know what she wants ... and she tells me how to go to this other world. I'm supposed to run over to the town, and they'll tell me how to get to [name of meadow]. I try, and I almost feel my awareness changing, but I come back to this world. Next, the lady does it with me, and we, um, shift to the other world, but we're at the meadow. It slopes down, we are at the top. We traveled around the other world, I remember stopping in a town, and we passed the meadow again to a set of stairs leading downward. She said that we had run out of time? or that this was not the time, and we shifted back to the real (being my dream) world. [my thoughts: apparently I can only journey while I'm already dreaming :-P] I think that when I went to the other world, I was "passed out" laying on the ground on a red blanket, and she woke me up. She may have been asleep too.

  • Dreamt about the most messed up game ever. It was like tag... only in the weirdest setting ever. The setting kept changing depending on where you ran. I have no idea who was on my side or who wasn't... All I know is that I kept running from guys (and losing, because they're faster than me). It was really frustrating. I think that if I made eye-contact with someone, that would make them chase me, and I'd try to evade them... and sometimes it worked if I hid. Sometimes it didn't. And it was some weird "lucy in the skies with diamonds" world... there were bright pink structures at one point... I remember one point Pumba (as in a warthog) definitely was talking to me? And he said something about how jumping in the water felt good.. so I did, and it felt refreshing and wonderful! I'm sure there's much more to this part of the dream (it's the dream I woke up with) but as you can already tell it's on crack and wouldn't make sense anyhow.

09 November 2003

Saturday night

Saturday was fun.

My alarm went off at about 8.45 because I was thinking about going to check out a place for formal with the girls... but then I remembered that this was the first day in a while that I had to sleep in... so I slept in. Got up at like 10.30 or so... and wound up going to brunch with Ivy and Bayley. I was psyched- the old omelette man was back!! He is way better at the omelette thang than the people they tried to replace him with. Although, he is kinda freaky because he's flirting with you while you're trying to give him your omelette order. But it's all good because I finally got to fulfill my craaving for breakfast :)

After that I went down to the football game to meet up with Jon and Brad.. it was SO cold down there. My ears were in agony... When they went up to pick up the meal-exchange from glar, I went to get something warm for my head. (A) I don't know where my scarf is. I know it's here, I just don't know where; (B) apparently I don't have ear-warmers here, though. So I wore my yukon hat (one of those with the strings with poufs at the end) ... but it didn't really do a knock-out job about keeping my ears warm... I guess it was something though.

Jon and I decided, since the game was boring, and the air was cold, to come back and take a nap at about 2. Wound up sleeping till 4... well, I slept till around 3, then Jon slept till four. Not to mention I was miss popular... I got like four phone calls in an hour?!

Jon left to go to church at 4, so I decided to finally run the errands I've been meaning to run the entire week. Yay for productivity. After Jon came back at about 6.30, we decided we were hungry and drove up to safeway to get some food. He bought starbucks for us while we were there :) Yum!

At 8.30 we went down to Frederick to see a band who was family to one of the guys in Alpha sig with Brad and a guy from their national. It was in this restaurant called the Bentz Street Raw Bar... interesting place. The band (The Westcott Brothers) was awesome. They played a sort of bluegrass/bluesy type of music, not necessarily my thing, but they were really talented. Of course, we got there after missing the street twice, once because we couldn't find it, the second time because Jon said that it was a different street :-P

After we got back (at around 12) Jon and I went down to LGP's [lol], and hung out for a bit. It was one of the guys' girlfriend's birthday parties, but it had wound down by the time we got there. The night turned out to be Jon, Guy, Pat, and I sitting (well, I was sitting...) in the kitchen just talking the night out (till about 3.. 4?) ... and somehow I wasn't even dead tired. Who knows why.. lately my latest has been about 12.30/1.00, heh. But anyhow, wound up not going to bed till 5 because Jon and I were talking for about 2 hours about random stuff when we came back from the house. Latest I've stayed up since the random Baltimore trip at 3 in the morning. Well, I think that night I was up till 6am. But still...

And yet I still got up at 10.30/10.45. But as of yet, have not done any work. Need to do that... I have an econ TEST tomorrow!

05 November 2003

No Hobbits for you!

Lord of the Rings!

What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
brought to you by Quizilla

I don't think it fits, I'm just posting it because i'm glad the creator had the sense not to put hobbits in the pic. I hate hobbits.

02 November 2003

It really does fit, though... [i think]

You are Form 1, Goddess: The Creator.

"And The Goddess planted the acorn of life.
She cried a single tear and shed a single drop
of blood upon the earth where she buried it.
From her blood and tear, the acorn grew into
the world."

Some examples of the Goddess Form are Gaia (Greek),
Jehova (Christian), and Brahma (Indian).
The Goddess is associated with the concept of
creation, the number 1, and the element of
Her sign is the dawn sun.

As a member of Form 1, you are a charismatic
individual and people are drawn to you.
Although sometimes you may seem emotionally
distant, you are deeply in tune with other
people's feelings and have tremendous empathy.
Sometimes you have a tendency to neglect your
own self. Goddesses are the best friends to
have because they're always willing to help.

Which Mythological Form Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Interesting night!

So, yesterday was Homecoming, which was very exciting. I was part of the group that was in the parade for Phi Mu... I think our car looked absolutely awesome (wish I had some digipics), but we didn't even place.. *tear*. Other than that, though, the day was lots of fun! We had a lot of Alums come back, even some who pledged Fall '88! It was really interesting talking to them. We wound up winning Best Letters (booyah!) and the Brant Cup (the most prestigious award a greek org. can win here) again!! It was very exciting. Went out with Heather and Fallon to Applebee's, then after I came back Jon, Brad, and I went over to Lee's and hung out for the night.

However, all that is not the exciting part!

At about 5.45 in the morning, I slowly wake up because of the multitudes of firetruck sirens that are driving by, at least 10 trucks in like a 10 minute interval. I'm laying there worried that any second the fire alarm is gonna go off, so... I get up and I look out my window, (which faces south-southeast), and I didn't see anything. Yet I hear another firetruck go by... and it probably wouldn't have been such a big deal, but the firetrucks were stopping close by somewhere. So... I'm getting a little worried. I go to the bathroom, turn out the lights and look out that window. first, I see a bright light in the northwest, but it doesn't really look like a fire. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I see a pulsating yellow light on smoke coming from behind Gill gym somewhere. This freaks me out. So, I grab Jon and make him come with me to see where the fire is. We turn the corner of Gill Gym and the North Village wasn't on fire (thank God!), and I couldn't see the fire on smoke anymore... but then Jon and I hear a chainsaw. So we walk past the apartments to the drive (across from physical plant services)... and there it is. A really bad fire in "the projects" of westminster... about one hundred yards away. They had PA ave blocked off right past the drive where we were... I'm just glad it wasn't school. That's what was freaking me out the most... worried about people at school.

26 October 2003


So, last night was fun.. got to dress up in my devil costume for the Halloween party at Heather's apartment... got a few compliments :) Initiation for Alpha Sig was last night, so Jon was gone for most of the evening... met up with him at about 1 [DST] in the morning, lol. Went to bed at about 3 [Standard] too... Now I have to manage the different stuff that's going on today... :\

22 October 2003

Hump day.

I really hate weeks like this... where you feel like you don't have any work to do [and you don't want to do any work] but ~ha ha~ yes you do have work to do! You just keep thinking you dont! :-
Went for a jog today with Jon.. we haven't been jogging in around a month or so, so it was a little more challenging than I expected it to be. We jogged up and around Harvey Stone, then did a lap around the track.. and a couple of sprints. I feel sad when I sprint because I feel that I could do more, but I just cant.

I'm playing at rep class this friday, and I was worried about missing class until I realized that Matt would be running it because Ron is out of town! So I doubt he'll care if I miss 10 minutes for rep class.

I need to get my but in gear.. I have lots of things to get done! Need to clean the room and work on the projects/tests coming up. Oy :-\ I get stressed thinking about them... but I am doing so much better this year with procrastination. No more night-before stints for me :) [knock on wood]

19 October 2003

Fun times

This last week was very busy; ironic since there were only three days of class! My research methods class switched over this week - now I have a class at 1.20 tuesday/thursday and no class on monday/wednesday at 3.00! Which I guess will be all right.

Thursday was Jon's birthday and our anniversary... didn't do too much to celebrate it because we were both rather busy. I did give him my gift and my parents' gift. I got him a wireless keyboard and mouse set which he adored :) Mom got him a tool kit, a case of Dr. Pepper, and a box of Twix. He was happy with everything :D That night was Big Sis night for Phi Mu... very exciting!! And I have my very own Little, Amber :)

Jon and I had our "play" [as in a game] presentation on friday in theatre... we rocked that presentation!! We better get an A :-P That night was the Phi-Esta... and Di, Heather, Ivy, and I got lost on the way there [because we got distracted by an accident, the bad weather, and the fact that we didnt' realize the turn was so soon :-P] ... well, not really lost, we just [like I said] missed the turn. But after we got there it was fun.. food and craftiness :) Christina's [real] little sisters are so cute!

Last night we had a little get together for Jon for his birthday :) It was fun.. had the "What Women Want" soundtrack playing in the backround, the Italian Job on TV, and everyone chit chatting and everything :) Sung happy birthday to him and gave him cake :) It was fun.

Today... well, I actually did some work for the major project due next monday in management... lol. Found some good articles. We have a collegiate/alumnae softball game for phi mu at 2.00 ... it should be fun ^_^

I need to figure out 5 different social situations I can put myself in to observe and comment on for Qualitative research methods. Then I'm going to have to wind up doing one of those for my final project. Hmm... :-\

14 October 2003

Back at school

So I'm back at school today! I came back up yesterday afternoon, and nearly fainted trying to bring everything up to my room :-P But I think part of that was because I just didn't feel good from dinner (it was only Applebee's Chicken tenders?! Nothing real harmful in that [ie, no dairy products to go bad or anything]). I need to work on putting everything away now, and getting some other things done :)

Need to find a game for the project due friday...

11 October 2003


Last night (...friday night...) was a lot of fun!! Went home with Jon for his sister's lil "Fall Party" get-together thing... it went very well. Ate fall-ish food (apples 'n caramel dip; punkin dip, cheese & crackers) and watched "scary" movies. First was "Sleepy Hollow" which was a surprisingly good movie. I really enjoyed it... Next we watched "The Amityville Horror" (which Pat said was supposedly based on a true story) which was cheesy, so we could make fun of it, but still scary. All in all it was a great night of fun, food, and laughter :) I like those nights... especially since I spent it with my Chico ^_^

This morning (...saturday morning...) Jon actually fixed me breakfast ;) Booyah. And it was good, too! Scrambled eggs & toast (hey, not that I could've done much better...). Then we went erranding with his mom before I was dropped off at school so I could pack up and come home for fall break :)

Went to Copeland's tonight... got a YUMMY filet mignon... mmm... I love beef. Then we all got coffees, which were also very yummy. Yay for yummy food! Hmm, that's probably why I'm still up (coffee).

It's really weird... It looks like we're moving because we havfe tons of stuff/boxes in the living room/family room/garage... because our basement flooded. Our basement looks/smells like it did before we finished it (I have sharp olofactory -did i spell that right?- senses, okay?) And, well, it's weird. But.. we wanted to clean up the basement.. so I guess that's one way of doing it, eh? Silver lining... silver lining.

Gonna be a busy weekend.. doing lots of erranding. If you're a home friend at home let me know if you want to get together for a lil bit. :)'

[Uber-long post, I know, but hey... I have a lot to say, eh?]

08 October 2003

Well THIS is interesting...

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Fourth Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Low
Level 2 (Lustful)High
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Low
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Very High
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Low
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Low
Level 7 (Violent)Moderate
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Moderate
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Low

Take the Dante Inferno Hell Test

Hehe, I really don't think I'm that greedy though... I am amused that my "repenting" quality is VERY LOW! lol. I guess I'm just not a very good repenter...

In other news, I had the weirdest experience when I woke up this morning (and keep in mind that I JUST wook up). My alarm goes off, I don't wanna get up.. I'm tired... I look toward the window.. and see white. I am perplexed, then I think, oh, my curtain (I have white sheers up) must have been tugged behind the fan again. Then I blink and look again. My curtain is just fine. So I'm even more perplexed. What the heck is going on here?? So I get up and look out the window, and the fog was so dense I seriously couldn't see past 20/30 feet from my window. The library was gone.. couldn't see most of the parking lot. I was hoping my Management professor wouldn't show up because of it... but he did... Oh well.

05 October 2003


My parents came up last night (yay!) to take me out to dinner. We went to Ruby Tuesday, which was very very yummy. Hehe, apparently there was a homecoming dance at a nearby high school, so all these dressed up kids were in there. Funniest thing ever: Two guys come in, one is wearing a pastel blue suit (?!) and the other is wearing a yellow/cream suit with darker yellow/cream checks on it, with a black hat! (???!!!!) It cracked me up.

Last night I didn't get to go out until about 11.30 (because nobody was doing anything... :/ ). Went down for the end of Jacob's 21st shindig... it was fun. Came back at around 1. Went to bed. Got up at 11. Took a shower.

Now I am hoping to be productive (study management) until I have to be at ALD inductions at 1.15...`

29 September 2003

Wow I'm weird... :-P

I couldn't find my cell phone this morning, and was sorta-kinda-half freaking out over it, I was more on the indifferent side because I was SO tired... but I came back from class, looked again... and couldn't find it. So I tried to think of where I last had it ..... clubroom. It must be in the clubroom. After dinner today, I went over to the clubroom to look. No go. Not there. So hopefully it's in my room. I come back to the room, and Lauren's gonna call my phone for me to see if I can find it. She walks in, looks down, and goes "Alex, you're phone's right there" ... yeah, definitely pretty much in plain sight. Go me! :-P

28 September 2003

Fun times.

Friday: I got my paper done thursday night (friday morning) at 5 after 12! I didn't even have to stay up late. I think it was all right. I'm not sure it's "a" quality, but we'll see how that goes. I ran over to repetoire class (for piano) over a break in the theatre class so I could play my song. For some reason, the piano sounded really different. The song got a good reception, so it must not've been that bad. I ran back to class to find them starting to do some "play" (as in having fun, playing) stuff - our next section. This one should be fun :)
I left class early so I could make it back for the Bid Day ceremony in Red Square. The girls were already walking down to Red Square, which sorta made me bummed (because as far as I knew they weren't leaving until 4.45 and it was 4.40)... but I ran up and put my stuff down and came back out to holler and scream and sing for Phi Mu!! We got 7 girls on Bid day (although only 4 were there to announce it) and we got one more through COB (open bidding)! That was exciting.
That night we went out bowling, I never paid (lack of dinero) so I was just sitting around with my twin, Diana. Heather was leaving early so she could unpack more, so we left with her... we weren't doing anything, anyhow :-P

Saturday: Well, we had sister's brunch in the clubroom, which was fun. Except for the bees, lol. Nice time hanging out and whatnot. Alli and I stayed after everyone else had left so we could look through the old scrapbooks and see what repairs/improvements could be made. That was fun... it's cool to look at our history. Didn't do too much for the rest of the day... pubbed for dinner.
Jon came up and we tried very hard to think of something to do. But there was nothing to do. The campus, for some reason, was DEAD last night... no parties, no nuthin. Jon and I wound up in the car driving somewhere, and we wound up at Owings Mills. That place is ... interesting at 9 at night. We were looking at halloweeny stuff in Spencers and Hot Topic... Hot Topic had the cutest clip-on devil horns :) We essentially just wandered around talking and having fun.
On the way back, Gary called and said that we should meet him at the theatre. So at least there was something to do. We wound up stopping at Safeway because Jon was hungry, so he got some Turtle ice cream and we came back to the room to eat some of it. Then we figured we shouldn't keep gary waiting so we went down there... It was fun, not exactly what I would have chosen to do with my saturday night, but still, it was cool. Then Jon and I decided that we would go to the Bachelor clubroom. It was about 11.20, so we decided we would go visit Alli who was working the info desk till 11.30; after picking her up we went down to the clubroom which was.. all right. Not many peoples were there, and it was kinda hard to get into the music that way. Then we met Britany, one of the new girls ^_^, and started hanging out with her. We went back to the theatre for a bit, then wandered around campus. A strange night, but not unfun. :)

24 September 2003

Argh to papers.

Especially papers that are just asking for BS. I'm really not that good at BSing. Especially since I got out of the habit from freshman year [great works...]. So I have to write this paper on the "Great Prayer Vigil for the World". A 6-8 page paper. It's ridiculous... *sigh* That's why I'm blogging instead. I have a paragraph written... so that's good, I guess. It's due friday. I'm starting early, at least ;)

Rounds are going well :) Our last one is tomorrow! Then friday is Bid Day!!

I think I'm addicted to the Sun-Maid "Fast Fruit" Tropical Medley. Yummm!

Money issues have been somewhat cleared up :) Apparently that's what I normally spend on things, and I'm actually doing well. Thanks mom ;)

My room is a complete mess... I think it's contributing to my scattered thoughts. It's harder to think in a messy room.

I suppose I must go back to my infernal paper now... :\ urg

23 September 2003

The sad state of my affairs...

In my wallet, I only have 2 dollars to my name. Two dollars. Two weeks ago, I had 50 dollars. Practically all of it has gone towards food. But I am amazed. Today, I payed a $7.04 purchase with a credit card. Oy. I started tracking my money with Mic. Money on my computer, but (ha ha!) I forgot that the really big issue is the spending of cash. So I set up a cash account. As it is, I have spent over $30 on dining out, and over $30 on groceries. This month. I can't be spending $60(+) a month on this stuff. Time to get a handle on things. Now, I am creating a budget. Hopefully. It's kinda hard to do because I don't have any "real" expenses, and I don't have any "real" income. But I spend a lot. So I have to do this, for my (and my family's, hehe) sake. Hmmm...

21 September 2003

Ugh, procrastinating.

I should be studying for my Management quiz and my Econ test tomorrow. I should. However, I am not. Instead, I choose to wander around the internet, and write in my blog. One of the reasons I need to study, is because I haven't studied all weekend...

This weekend went by in such a blur! Thursday night we went out. Friday night we went out. Saturday night... we went out! Crazy times of mischief. It was tons of UBER fun. Friday night was interesting; I was down at the apts, and Chico calls me, and tells me that sampus cafety is hanging out outside and (duh!) is probably gonna bust us. I'm thinking... I need to get to the back of the apt, so I start going back there, look at the door on the way, and there is definitely a sampus cafety officer just leaning there in the doorway. Freaked me out. So I went in the bathroom. And stayed there for like 10 minutes... I called Jon and he said everything was cool, so I went back out. Hehe, it amused me though. I also got to hang with my sisters that night :) It was awesome. Yay for honesty ;)

Thursday and Saturday were just as fun. I had an incredible amount of fun this weekend.

Today was round 1 for recruitment. There are a lot of cool girls going through... Go greek! Hopefully we'll get some great girls :D

19 September 2003


So... here on campus, the hurrican passed pretty uneventfully- lights flickered a few times, the cable when out a couple of times... lot's of wind and horizontal rain... that's pretty much it. Of course, we are literally on top of a hill so it would make sense that we wouldn't flood...

However, down at home people weren't so lucky. Home had 6 inches of water in the basement :( Lot's of things gone. The power went out.. again. See, maybe I need to live at home again, because stuff like that never happens where i am- it's always same ol' boring stuff ;) which I guess is good. I guess.

The girls are in the suite watching "Four Feathers" ... it has Heath Ledger and it looks like a good drama, but seems like a little too stressful for what I'm feeling for tonight.

Soon, chico will be visiting so we can finish watching LotR - Two Towers before creating mischief tonight. I like LotR. Good stuff. It's kinda weird, because I finished the trilogy over the summer, but I can't remember a lot of it.. hehe, oh well.

On that note, I hate Hobbits. They annoy me. Elves, Wizards, Dwarves, and Ents are way cooler. Boo to Hobbits.

My Enneagram thing

Conscious self
Overall self
Take Free Enneagram Test

17 September 2003

Style tip for the day

Ladies, here's a quiz for you:
You are wearing a white shirt, what color should your bra be?

Answer: Not white! Especially if the said white shirt is a little see-through. You should wear a nude bra (based on your skin color) that will blend with the rest of your body. That way your bra isn't a neon sign under your shirt. It is rather tacky. And it surprises me how many girls don't know this... maybe because I practically grew up knowing that ^_^ But remember! Nude Bra under White Shirt! :)

16 September 2003

About the template...

I am happy about my new template. I have changed it so that it now includes my info (including imood), my archives, and commenting. I even updated my comments template so that it matches :D I'm such a dork!

And, as I said, should I get the motivation to update my website, I'll be putting blog templates up there, and Coast Motel will be among them.

You may be thinking: why is it called "Coast Motel?" Well, let me tell you ;) I was just throwing color and design together in Paint Shop Pro (where I do all my "second stage" design) and I came up with this awesome turquoise & white one. And the whole lines-surrounding-the-title-thing. Which I love. But anyways, so I came up with this design.. and it really appealed to me, so I wanted to give it a good title. It sort of reminded me of the ocean, and I was trying to think of why it reminded me of the ocean... and I came to the conclusion that it was because it had that retro-seaside-flair that is oh-so-often found in a 50s seaside motel... ergo, "Coast Motel."

New template!

So I have a new template up... I call it "Coast Motel" and it will probably be one that I will put up on my website (whenever I get around to doing that). I really like it, I just need to tweak it so there's someplace to put archives & info.

As I was looking through the settings (changing the title of my blog) I realized that I do have a title feature, it just wasn't turned on! So that's exciting. To me. hehe. I just think that's cool, so now my posts can have titles! whee!

15 September 2003

These week should be a welcome change to this past week. Pretty relaxing, not too, too much to worry about. (have an econ test next monday, but that can be dealt with later on this week ^_^) I'm just hoping my stress levels are going down... I'm progressively trying to organize every aspect of my life, thinking it will help :) Hopefully it will.

13 September 2003

So, my birthday was nice. A little on the boring side, hehe, but nice. After I got up, Jon came up and gave me his gift (Ray Bans!) and his Godfather's gift (Indiana Jones stills from the movies!), then he took me out to lunch at Ruby Tuesday. Yay for Ruby Tuesday :P Later on after choir, Jon's mom and sister came over. They brought brownies and did happy birthday at the pub, lol. Got some fun aroma therapy candles (and body wash, and massage oil) from them. Only uncool thing about my birthday was the fact that I was working on a paper due the next day (luckily a group paper), and, well, because it was a thursday night. But I had fun, overall :)

08 September 2003

So, I can't really believe that this week is my birthday week. That this thursday is my birthday. Mostly, I feel stressed, and busy, and I can't even decide how I feel about my birthday. Sometimes, I'm at the "no one really cares anyway, so why should I?" point, and sometimes I'm at the "I really want to do something, but alas I have absolutely no time to" point. Sometimes, I just forget about it. I'll probably wake up thursday and won't even remember that it's my birthday (until some stupid "remember 9/11" thing comes up). Bleh.

04 September 2003

Yay! I have all my wallpapers (not just the thumbnails) uploaded, so you can download them now from my wallpaper page. Wee!
So last night was interesting. Definitely had a fire drill just as I was about to get in the shower. So.. I had my robe on. Yeah, fun times.

Last night I went to the library to visit jon/work with him on our ritual project on friday. Finally he found step by step instructions on for a Hindu puja to Lord Ganesha. So, we're going to present that one. We went out this morning and got stuff for it... Need to still get some incense and some potpourri (technically something sandalwood, but potpourri oughta work.. we're just presenting it after all). But hopefully it'll be good. And hopefully Jon won't do all the talking :-p

Thinking I'm going to straighten up my room. Again.

03 September 2003

Hehe. Queer Eye for the Straight Guy has to be one of the greatest shows ever. It's so adorable! Not to mention that the soundtrack of it is extremely catchy, and hip, and fun. Like the "Fab 5". Hehe. I'm bummed because next week's episode on bravo is a rerun. *sigh*. I think I like it b/c it's decorating-ish, fashion-ish, and extremely funny. Yay funny. Hehe. Oh well, bunches of babbling.

I swear, MWF are neverending days of class. And it doesn't help when I'm really tired... like today... and it definitely doesn't help that it's completely dreary and ucky out today. Oh yeah, that's gonna perk me up o.O

Ummm I'm almost ready to put up some blog templates on my website for people to use if the want. I was looking through my past ones, and nearly all of them used images one way or another, so I decided just to make some up from scratch that would only use css and color. Granted, they look sucky in netscape (because CSS isn't standard among browsers), but I only use it because it blocks popups and has tabbed windows. So, they look good in IE.

A little embarassed in prof. comm today... We were analyzing a website, and I kept saying stuff like "it's not organized"; "it's just black and white, no color, very loud" etc etc.. and the teacher was like "well, of course our graphic designer in the group would be looking at that" ... geesh. Can't I have my anonymity and be at peace ;)

Now, must be off to Quantitative Research Methods - my most exciting of the day! (not so much...)

02 September 2003

Well, I've been procrastinating a lot, and although I had a study date with Jon last night, the only thing I really accomplished was with our Ritual project due friday. Other than that.. couldn't concentrate. Oh well. That's what today's for, right? ;)

The weather has been so very ucky. Every morning I wake up to cloudy skies. Every night, I look up to find the stars... and see cloudy skies. Bleh.

And yay for putting away doubts. :)

28 August 2003

27 August 2003

So, I'm very proud of myself... I went on a 20 minute jog tonight (although i was told 15 ~_^) with Jon. I did it! woo. And he made me stretch, so maybe I won't be uber sore tomorrow... :)

I put the tube lights up in curlicues around my bed since it would obviously be weird if they went under my bed ;) but yeah, I think it looks cool. Sorta art deco or whatever. Although I was shocked at the unloftablility of my bed, I think I'm getting used to it (although, I'm actually wishing I had a laptop so that my computer didn't have to take up so much space in this little room). I am sad about losing my breakfast nook... it would've been nice... ohh well.

25 August 2003

So.. I'm at school now... I am very pleased. Although, it wound up that the bed in my room is not loftable... but it's all good. Things are turning out relatively well :)

First day of classes was pretty cool today. Management wasn't boring (although it looks as though it will be a lot of hard ass work) and I am absolutely excited for my Professional Comm class... apparently we are going to be doing lots of visual design, including web design, so I'm psyched.

Econ was, well, alright. At least it's Olsh so it's amusing. Research methods wasn't pull-your-hair-out boring, but at least i don't have to get up early for it, hehe.

And... no classes (except piano & choir) tomorrow!

22 August 2003

Eep! I've been packing/stuffing the cars all day... still not done. I think I've done a good job of bringing pretty much only what I need... except in the matter of clothes. I always overpack clothes... doesn't matter where I'm going or what I'm doing. So yeah, clothes are taking up a lot of room.

So... Glar [dining hall] supposedly changed their menu. This could be good or bad... knowing Glar, it's probably bad. Although, it has to be better than dry, fatty meat; undercooked, bloody meat (even poultry!); cole slaw on everything- from grilled cheese (?) to hamburgers (?!) to toasted subs (?!!). The cole slaw thing disturbs me the most- you go to get a normal looking sandwich, then BAM! You bite into a pile of nastiness (I actually like coleslaw, but why put it on a HOT sandwich where it doesn't belong?). Knowing our luck, they probably changed the dessert menu, the only good thing about Glar. Heck, they already took away my favorite fruit and nut muffins. *sigh*. Wait and see, I guess.

I'll be leaving (hopefully) in 12 hours.

21 August 2003

So, right now, I really wish I were at school. Mostly because I have a headache, and at school it would be no big deal... because then I'd be able to just shut myself in my room by myself with my food, work, and internet. Alas... I am at home. And therefore, food and internet are both outside the quiet confines of my room.

41 hours till school... 41 hours till school...

I can't wait.

I need to pack though...

20 August 2003

So, for some reason, I have this urge... (to herbal? no) to create something ... or something like that. I'm not really quite sure. I just have this feeling like I need to do something... productive? Maybe. Strange. I think what I want to do is make a new layout for my blog... Mmmm, new layout.

Wow, that is a lot of random babble.

So I went shopping w/ my mom today to get some things for school. Do you realize how hard it is to find plastic melamine plates (that's that durable corelle type plastic)? Well, it's hard. Apparently. I thought that it wouldn't be- we went to Target and I couldn't find a single plastic plate nor bowl. In Target. I was greatly surprised. So we ran all over the place trying to find plastic plates, and finally found some suitable ones and Bed, Bath & Beyond. Thank goodness. Now I have plates, smaller plates, bowls, and mugs for my breakfast nook (which became a concept after I found the dishware). I am fond of the breakfast nook idea. I think it'll be a quaint place... the sun streaming in my window (through the curtains we got), sitting in my chair, reading for class, eating a bagel.. maybe some cream of wheat... off my plasticware :) Wee! I feel so much more organized this year than I ever had before.

I am so excited. I can't wait to see how it all turns out... :)

17 August 2003

Well, the concert was really great :) Except for the long wait to exit... but eh, it wasn't too bad. It was nice outside and everyone was being nice and cool about everything. John Mayer sounds great live, but he does this weird ass tongue thing while he's singing. It's really strange. Counting Crows were great too :) I'm not as familiar with their work, but it was awesome all around.

Oh! And yesterday, I found my perfect fragrance. Jon and I were at the mall with his mom and his brother, and we were wandering around the perfume section of Boscov's... and after all the perfumes L'Interdit was perfect. Because I need something light that's not sweet smelling. I was amazed at the amount of sugary-sweet dessert smelling perfumes. It's actually rather sickening. And I can't wear anything heavy because it just doesn't fit.. and it's hard to find something light that we both like. But L'Interdit was good. We both agreed on it, hehe.

Cleaned up my car today :) Now it isn't a realm of pretzel crumbs and dust like how it was after my dad got through with it ... hehe. Armor all is the best stuff. I could even get the spots off the carpet (or most of the spot... sometimes there was a slight stain still there). Yay pretty car. Now I just need to get a couple of mats for the front seats... because they are grody.

Whee! Only (less than) a week left till moving in :)

13 August 2003

So I'm now trying to figure out what things I need for college, what things I don't need but want to have, and what things I never use and therefore don't need to fill up valuable space in my 9x5 box (view outdated room picture... my layout ideas have changed). Eep! Reminds me... need to email the RLC and tell them that I need my bed lofted... I'd rather not do it myself. Because, yes, I've decided to loft my bed, and this time I am putting my desk under there. It should be interesting- hopefully I won't hit my head too much :p

Can't wait for the concert on friday :) It should be awesome :)

09 August 2003

Ahh fun end of the week. Thursday night was awesome- Woohoo Diana's 21st! It was a lot of fun, though I wished I could've danced with my chico. Then after we got back from the club (around 3ish) we went to denny's for some pick-me-up food. Spent the night in Kari's room.. slept like a rock... then got up at around 11.45 to start heading home... Spent yesterday just veggin around, then last night I finished backing up the files on my computer.. and reformatted it. back to scratch. because it needed it... badly. So now it's pretty much like new... I've got most of my files back on there now.. but I don't htink I'm going to put as much stuff on it as I had before... but we'll see how that goes.

I'm excited for school.. it was so neat to be back there. I love it when the campus is drenched in sunshine and it feels fresh and new and inviting. It's exciting :) I felt so energized just being there. That'll last for about two weeks after classes start, lol.

06 August 2003

So I FINALLY put up the new design for my website. You should check it out, it's very cool... although I must say, for once, it actually (desing wise) looks better when using netscape rather than IE... no big things, just little things that I probably notice more than anyone else would.

Umm... went out erranding today :) It was nice to be able to do that... and not work! woo! Stopped by Staples to get a school calendar... I got a daily one w/ the hours on it. I think it'll help me plan out my days so that I can use time more effectively.... or something like that. We'll see how long I keep up with it. I also got those cord holders so that you can move cords around the room w/o duct tape (which is always falling down anyways). Which reminds me that I need to get poster hang tab things.

Tomorrow going up to celebrate Diana's b-day! Woo! I have a life after all! Hehe... It'll be fun :)

05 August 2003

I miss my Jon. A lot.

(and just because I miss him doesn't mean I'm a whipped little male-dominated girl who has no voice for herself. It means I love him)

Probably doesn't help that I've been reading books that have a romantic edge to them... not romance novels per se... I really don't enjoy reading about somebody's throbbing organ or whatever. Granted, there's passion, and love, and sex... but not in a lewd tremely graphic way. It makes me think of Jon... because, honestly, everytime I read one of those novels, I'm struck because I think- wow that's Jon and I! I think it's funny... I apparently have the man that repressed women all over america lust after ;) To me, Jon and I have the perfect companionship... we can always talk to each other, and we are always willing to hear what the other has to say. We rarely argue, and we both think of ourselves as... well, a team I guess. I love us - not just him, but the relationship we have... and we are very happy. Go us. :)

Happy sappy entry.

04 August 2003

So, I have a grand total of TWO DAYS working this week. Hee hee. Last week working. Last two days. No more shoes for the rest of the semester!! And I'm working 5.30-10.30 today, and 12.30-something tomorrow. Then I'm OUTTA there. *sigh*

Of course, I have been thinking a lot about going back to school lately. I am very excited. I hope that I will be a little less hermit-like this year in my single, reach out more to other people, and have a lot of fun :) In between school work. Jon gave me my list for books, but, alas, it was slightly hard to decode (I'm sure he had some pattern/system for it, but it was slightly confusing). Apparently I have THREE econ books. Can you believe it?! Suddenly that class looks a little intimidating. My professional comm class book is a "guide to technical writing". I think that might be useful... my dad's always talking about technical writers for proposals and stuff. So I could probably do something like that if all else fails. And.. hmm... there's one book each for my 2 research methods classes... And there's "challenges for tomorrow's leaders"! for Management. But I don't think that class will be too, too boring... well, at least because Carter is teaching it, and I've heard good things about the guy. And then there's the Theatre class, which oughta be pretty fun :) Hopefully it won't turn into a "God class" phenomenon. Yar.

I am very excited for this semester. Fall semester is always WAY better than spring sem.

I had this strange dream last night... I was locked in this room, by these other people... I don't know why I was "jailed" or whatever. But these other people had me and a few others locked in there. I remember that there were different classes of us people who were locked up, and my group was called... something I can't remember, but I remember associating a puffy white cloud or something with the word. We were angry because the people who kept us locked up thought we were children, but we weren't, we were just small (or something like that). And apparently, they didn't give us enough food. There were two "guards" a woman and a man. The woman was a little more lenient, and when she opened the door, I ran out into this cafeteria type place and started gorging myself on all the food there in the salad bar/buffet line thing.. like potato salad and other assorted food. The last thing I picked up were like 3 halves of a grilled cheese sandwich, and about that point, the more strict guy-guard was returning and made me return the grilled cheese, but I asked if I could have one bite, and he said yes. So I had one bite of grilled cheese and went back into the room. I remember I was laying down and Jon came in, but we couldn't "do" anything because it wasn't allowed, because they thought we were children. And I was raving about that, and my grandma looked at me (for some reason she was there, sort of). And a was a little embarassed but it didn't stop me from raving... and I think I woke up then. Although I kept falling back to sleep and kept dreaming in the same scenario. I think the reason I don't like getting up in the morning is because my mind likes dreaming. Yeah, I guess that sounds a little nutty too... but it makes sense to me.

30 July 2003

So today I had my cavity filled. It only took two novacaine shots this time for me to not feel it. Sometimes it took 3 or 4 before. Still, I was a bit nervous because it's been a while since I last had a cavity filled.. and the drill just drives me nuts. It doesn't matter that I can't feel it. I can hear it. It sounds like it hurts. And the pitch of the drill, the frequency or something, makes my head hurt and my ears hurt. Not to mention that the sound is associated with so much pain and suffering etc etc.

Went to annapolis again today. I like annapolis. It's a cool place... but it really makes me want to go sailing.. or, rather, relearn how to sail. I do so love sailing... and boating... and all sorts of things of an aquatic nature. I'm drawn to the water... it calls to me, in a way. It's just a part of my nature, I suppose.

27 July 2003

So I had an intersting dream last night. I do believe that it was vaguely related to the book I am rereading - The Silver Wolf. But anyways, in it, I remember being near the shore of a body of water, and there were several lions, male and female, just hanging around. I wasn't really scared all that much, just a little nervous. And we were just sitting there. Then one of the lions scratched my hand with its claws. And there was blood pouring out of the cuts. And though I went away a few times, I always wound up near them again. I think some people tried to drive them away, but they wouldn't go. Not saying that it all made sense, it was just an interesting dream. And apparently I sleepwalked this morning.. oy. Sometimes I do that. Thankfully, usually not at school.

Today has been a nice lazy day. I think I have my room for college mostly planned out. Winds up that I am going to loft my bed, just because the extra space is nice. But I'm going to put my desk under it, for something different than last year. So.. we'll see how everything goes.. :)

26 July 2003

So.. I only work 4 times this week, sweeet! And then, I said that I'd stop working starting the 7th. And I requested off the 3rd. So that makes max 3 days work NEXT week. So max 7 days of work till I'm done with it!! (for the semester). But I tell you, I am a shoe goddess. Oh yes, you are looking at a girl with innovative ideas and the ability to actually get things done. Woe to them when I go back to school, hehe. But I caan't wait!!!

24 July 2003

So yay, I'm not working tomorrow :) And only TWO weeks till I stop working. And after that, one week till Counting Crows/John Mayer concert with my favorite boy and company. And then after that, one week till school. mwahaha. I cant wait :)

But in the short term, I'm not working tomorrow :)

20 July 2003

Well, one of the things that will get me through today is the fact that my awesome chico is coming tomorrow night :) And also the fact that I will only be working 4 hours tomorrow :) So tomorrow will go by quickly :) So all I have to really get through is today :) And I'm psyched, hehe.

So... the website will take a lil longer than planned, mostly because I was so psyched about putting it up that I forgot that I had only coded the main page so far ^_^ I finished the poetry, gallery, and wallpaper sections last night. (Poetry/Gallery is easy, wallpaper a lil more difficult, only b.c I didn't have a real wallpaper section before). So, tonight and maybe tomorrow I'll be working on the pictures pages, which are the most time consuming. And then after all that, I'll hopefully be putting it all up :)

Only six hours. I can do this.

19 July 2003

So, yay! I get to see my chico on Tuesday (monday night) because for once our schedules have coinciding days off! heehee! Also, I am actually off on friday! So if anyone wants to do som'n... :)

Today I am only working 1-5, four hours, so it'll be a nice easy day (hopefully). Oh, and I have an awesome new version of my website worked out- it should be up sometime this evening (if I have the time). I love it! I even have some new content for your viewing pleasure.

And I can't wait for Monday night.

Sun: 12-6 [pos]
Mon: 2.30-6.30 [pos]
Tues: OFF!
Wed: 10-6.30 [shoes]
Thurs: 10-5 [shoes]
Fri: OFF!
Sat: 12-5 [shoes]

16 July 2003

I am absolutely positive I have the bestest Chico ever!! Partly due to the fact that he surprised me with a visit this morning :) Drove allll the way down here just to see me for a few hours before I had to go to work ^_^ He's cute and wonderful.

I swear, at work today, it was the day of lets-not-understand-anything-she-says. At LEAST three or four separate individuals came up to me, asked me a question or two, and I reply- only to receive a completely blank look... so I repeated (a little more slowly, using smaller words) what I said, with little better effect...

Like this woman walks up to me with two display shoes "Have in two?" .. of course, it took me just a nanosecond to figure out she wanted these shoes in a size two. (A KIDS size two. For HER. That's like a size 3.5/4 in womens. She had SMALL feet, people). But, of course, I knew we didn't even have one of the shoes in the back.. "We don't have any more of this shoe" points "but I can check on that one for you". Blank look. "Do you have shoe size two?" I'm thinking- OY. "That shoe is all gone" points "but we have more of that one" points. "Oh. Look please?". So I go look, and we don't have any more of the other one either, and tell her that. And... she doesn't even look up and just goes off. Weeeird people. Then there was the lady that wanted to know what mens dress shoe was the best quality out of what we carried. I don't know or care.. So I give her a bit of BS about this shoe and that, blah blah blah. Shoe her a couple of shoes that she might like.. she sorta seems interested... but no. She starts to wander off and goes "I think I bring my husband back to look." So... why was it so important to flag me down as I was rushing down the aisle with a pile of shoes... I don't know. Oy, customers.

15 July 2003

Added a tag-board in the info section... so leave a message if you want (simplest thing ever)! An easy way to contact me if you don't find me online, too. Have fun!!

Man I really, REALLY, can't wait to get back to school and see everyone!! I can't wait to live on the floor with all the girls :) Fun times ahead, booyah.
So I took away the halfway annoying "weatherpixie"... Thought it could be something cool to jazz up my blog, but nooo. It didn't even work.. *sigh*. So that lil piece of fluff went bye bye. Oh well, maybe I could find something else interesting (that works!) to put up.

Haven't jogged again since saturday. I might today or tomorrow... Need to keep this thing up so I'm not too pitiful when school starts...

12 July 2003

Well I did it! I went jogging and I'm actually very proud of myself. I had to make myself do it. I made myself put on my jogging clothes, shoes, made myself go outside, and made myself start jogging. After I started going, it wasn't so bad. Granted, I have the endurance of a gnat, but still... I pushed myself and now I feel pretty good about it. yay.
Well, I have decided that I want to be active. I am deliberating with myself whether or not I should go out jogging... It's Healthy! I can't jog. But it's nice outside! I don't want to look like an idiot. That sort of thing. I've been telling myself that I should start jogging the entire summer, so this would be an opportune time to do it. Not for too long, just down the road and whatnot. I should do it.. but it's just so hard to convince myself.

07 July 2003

Wow I totally haven't posted in a long time!!!! I tell you, I can't wait to get back to school. It's nice to be earning money, but.... it would be nicer to be at school (and to have more free time, to boot!) and spend more time with my girls, the boys, and of course my Chico!

I am creating a complete inventory of all my college stuffs (yes, I am aware of my geekitude)... It'll be nice. No more frantic packing/slow unpacking. Everything will have its place! It will be done!! Bwahahha! ... okay, maybe got a lil carried away there... ;) But it'll be nice! I'm good at organizing (it's staying organized where I have a problem...)

Working at Kohl's is so much fun, let me tell you!! Honestly, it's getting a lil old, but I think that's mostly because I'd rather be with Jon and having a happy carefree time. But, working gives me some spending money for school. Which is also nice. Plus, it's not unbearable.... and honestly I enjoy it more when i can just do my job in the shoe dept w/o having anyone else there to bother me/get in my way/have me get in their way.. unless it's a manager or something.

Speaking of work... Tues, 1-6; Wed 8.15pm-1am (doing ad-set... I SO can't wait.. er.. not); Thurs, 2-7; Friday, 8-2.

Well, I think that's about it for now... :)

26 June 2003

I have tan lines! :)

23 June 2003

Revision to work schedule: Tuesday, 9-2. Have to get up earlier, but at least then I'll have more time to get my room (and some of my other stuff that's laying around the house) cleaned up before a very special guest comes :) (not that he'll notice/care... but still. ^_^ Nice thing to do)
Hehe... I've been a bit busy. Well, my schedule for this coming week is rather light... Tues, 1-6; Wed, 2-10ish; and Fri, 1.45-4.30. I was working Thursday too, but I got out of it so I could see my Jon!! Yay! He's coming up Wednesday!! I'm so excited. 2 Days!

I finished Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix!! Great book. Took about 10 hours of hard reading to finish. It was a very angry and bitter book, though... at least in my opinion. More so than the other books... but then again, Harry is 15, so I suppose there would be a lot of anger and bitterness. Like I said though, good book!! (and I didn't even wait in line, get up early, nor run through the aisles to get it on Saturday).

Oooh! I can't wait for wednesday (after I'm done working, of course!).

15 June 2003

I had an awesome weekend with my wonderful chico :D I can't wait to see him again- When we're together I can't help but smile and laugh practically all the time :)

Hmm right... work schedule...

Tuesday: 12.30-6.15
Thursday: 10.00-4.00
Friday: 8.00-3.00
Saturday: 10.00-3.00

Notice that my friday and saturday nights are free if someone wants do do something. heh. right- i have no life, what am I talking about ^_^

10 June 2003

Um, well... I am starting to believe that my legs do not like color. Whether or not it's natural or from a bottle. Or maybe I just don't notice. Who knows... there's a very minor difference, not exactly what I was going for, but hey- I guess it's better than going for an extreme look and then messing the whole thing up, lol.

Today I got very confused at kohl's- on the schedule, I saw "miss hill" on the ad-set team (which is 8.30pm-1am) and, first of all, wondered why they didn't put my name, and second of all, why the heck was i doing ad-set when I wasn't even told about it. So, before I left work today, I called up my manager, and she informed me (thank goodness) that apparently there is someone NAMED "misshill" - as their first name. Wow was I confused.

So... I'm thinking that AIM could be the simplest way to "network" computers... provided one had cable, or ethernet [speaking of, should I ever get a laptop before school ends, I am so looking into getting an ethernet splitter and hooking them both up to the internet! speedy file sharing between two computers!] but as I was saying, think of the possibities! Get some sort of AIM cloning system on the comp, then you could make a specific SN for each computer, then set the file sharing capabilities to a buddy group that had the SNs of all the other computers hooked up the the internet. It seemed like a novel idea to me... but maybe it's just simple to network all the computers anyway (although you'd have to do that to get the internet to all of them, hmm. Oh well. But I still think using AIM would be a simple way to share files).

08 June 2003

Your Brain Usage Profile

Auditory : 58%
Visual : 41%
Left : 57%
Right : 42%

Alexandra, you are mildly left-hemisphere dominant while showing a slight preference for auditory processing. This overall combination seems to indicate a well-working blend of logic and judgment and organization, with sufficient intuition, perception and creativity to balance that dominance.

You will at times experience conflict between how you feel and what you think which will generally be resolved in favor of what you think. You will find yourself interested in the practical applications of whatever material you have learned or whatever situation you face and will retain the ability to refine whatever knowledge you possess or aspects of whatever position you are in.

By and large, you will orient yourself toward intellectual activities and structure. Though not rigid, you will schedule yourself, plan, and focus on routine and continuity of operations, rather than on changes and disruptions

When changes or disruptions occur, you are likely to consider first how to ensure that such disruptions do The same balance is reflected in your sensory preference. You will tend to be reflective and measured in your interaction style. For the most part, you will be considered objective without being cold and goal-oriented while retaining the capacity to listen to others.

Preferentially you learn by listening and maintaining significant internal dialogues with yourself. Nevertheless, you have sufficient visualization capabilities to benefit from using graphs, charts, doodles, or even body movement to enhance your comprehension and memory.

To the extent that you are even implicitly aware of your hemispheric dominance and sensory style, you will feel most comfortable in those arenas which emphasize verbal skills and logic. Teaching, law, and science are those that stand out among the professions, along with technical sales and management

Try it out yourself! :)
Yay for such an awesome weekend with the girls in Wildwood NJ!!! It was so cool eventhough I was only there from friday night thru sunday mornin'. Luv you gals :)

Yay! I'm going to see chico this fri-sat!! Woo hoo!

05 June 2003

Cool thing of the day

Venus razor... I have the pink one :D Really it's pretty cool. Usually i don't notice a difference from razor to another, but this one really does work well. So yeah, you should try it.

I tried my self tanner today... I don't think that I used enough because the tan part is a no-show. I used it sparingly because the bottle said "do not saturate skin"... so I didn't saturate it. I guess a little too much, lol. So I'll try put a lil more on and we'll see what happens, hehe.

Uhm... not much else... cooked some apple turnovers today, they were yummy :)
Well, schedule time again... lol

This weekend I'll be in NJ!! At the beach! Fri-Sun :)

Next week I'll be working at Kohl's...

01 June 2003

This weekend was fun... My chico came up last night and we wnet to bennigan's & then went bowling with some of my friends. Wound up leaving early because we were both pretty exhausted. Today I showed him the splendors of the columbia mall, lol... went to the lake, and hung out for a lil bit at my house until he left at about 4.30 or so... awww. Might see him towards the end of next week, considering that I requested off wed-sat, and now I won't be going up to NJ until MAYBE friday... sooo... that would be nice :)

30 May 2003

If I were a stone, I would be: sapphire
If I were a tree, I would be: Maple tree
If I were a bird, I would be: Hawk, maybe a black swan
If I were a machine, I would be: printing press
If I were a tool, I would be: Trowel (that you dig with)
If I were a flower/plant, I would be: Iris
If I were a kind of weather, I would be: Strong wind!! or a thunderstorm
If I were a mythical creature, I would be: Elf. :)
If I were a musical instrument, I would be: Well, a piano
If I were an animal, I would be: Kitty cat :)
If I were a color, I would be: Deep royal blue, or a deep garnet
If I were an emotion, I would be: curiousity
If I were a vegetable, I would be: hmm, green bean?
If I were a sound, I would be: an awesome resolving chord
If I were an element, I would be: fire (I'm thinking basic old world element..)
If I were a song, I would be: Anything But Ordinary (avril lavigne)
If I were a movie, I would be: Sense and Sensibilty
If I were a food, I would be: Chocolate Mousse
If I were a place, I would be: Sodus Bay NY
If I were a material, I would be: Silk or satin
If I were a taste, I would be: sweet
If I were a religion, I would be: uhh ... probably something open and freethinking, like buddhism or something.
If I were a word, I would be: whee. ;)
If I were an object, I would be: A sculpture
If I were a body part, I would be: ;) ... j/k... hands I think.
If I were a facial expression, I would be: Smiling with the eyes :)
If I were a subject in school, I would be: Book to Film!
If I were a shape, I would be: ellipse...
If I were a number, I would be: 19? lol. 6 used to be my fave number.
If I were a month, I would be: June...
If I were a day of the week, I would be: Friday :)
If I were a time of day,I would be: late evening
If I were a direction, I would be: south
If I were a piece of furniture, I would be: A chaise lounge
If I were a sin, I would be: heh probably lust.
If I were a historical figure, I would be: hmm ... Laura Ingalls Wilder? Or any forties/fifties actress.. *sigh*
If I were a liquid, I would be: any liquid, eh?? ;) .. hehe, j/k folks. Probably a mimosa, champagne and oj :)
If I were a method of death, I would be: method of death? how morbid is that... something painless.

Anything that you think should be different? What do YOU think I would be? Let me know (click "Comment")! :D
Well, got up for work at 8 today- and I actually got it right this time, hehe. Fun times in the shoe deptartment... organized stuff. Also had a lady show me how to do a item transfer to another store (not that I'll remember how, hehe). I'm excited for tomorrow... Chico will be here in about 25 hours!! :) (seems like a long time, but I'll be asleep for eight, then at work for six... so I have 11 hours left over, and most of that will be spent cleaning, so I'm sure it'll go by quickly).

I love my new haircut. I should post a pic of it or something :)

I have big plans for my digicamera... I'm thinking of creating an inventory of all my clothes, into my very own virtual closet, and then I'll be able plan out my wardrobe and stuff. It'll be fun, hehe. Speaking of my closet, I'm totally determined to clean it out, as well as the rest of my room. Get rid of (well, put somewhere else) all the stuff I don't use/need/want. :D We'll see how long this (strange) motivation lasts. Maybe I'm developing a work ethic =O ...... naah... ;)

29 May 2003

I got straight A's!! I'm so excited about that. Well, I got an A- in piano (boo, hehe) but I think that still counts. 3.99 GPA! :) (which brought my final gpa up to a 3.68).

Chico will be coming up Sat-Sun (not Sun-Mon as previously thought) so lucky him will be going bowling sat night, hehe. Can't wait to see him :) yay!

I'm stupid and read my work schedule wrong... I'm working Fri 8am-2pm, and Sat 10am-4pm. Hehe. Got up at 6.45 this morning for nothin'! ohh well.

28 May 2003

Hehe a new layout. I rather enjoy it. Very simple, no images, so easy loading :)

Chico will hopefully be coming down this Sunday thru Monday :) Yay!

And I didn't have to work today after all, which is very enjoyable. Although it sucks that I have to get up to be at work at 8am tomorrow. Blah. But ohhh well. Beach next week! :)

27 May 2003

Well, I'll be working a lot this week...

Tues: 1pm - 5pm (register)
Wed: 2pm - 6pm (shoes)
Thurs: 8am - 2pm (shoes)
Fri: 10am - 4pm (register)
Tues: 12pm - 6pm (register)

Then from next wed-sat, I'll be in NJ at the beach (hopefully it won't rain) with my sistahs! :) It'll be fun...

Hopefully I'll get to see chico this weekend... :D

25 May 2003

Wow I'm very tired. Jess' graduation went nicely - not too long, and very nicely done. (Congrats, Jess!) Dinner after was nice too :) Very happy times. Stayed overnight at the Fitzgerald household- watched Harry Potter II and chilled with my Chico. I just wish that I could be with him more often. But it was wonderful to spend the last two days with him and his family. Yay :D

I'm working Kohl's in Laurel... 9am - 4pm (shoe dept)... you should come visit if you're out and about :)

For now, I think I may go to bed... because I am pretty tired....

23 May 2003

Yay, going up for graduation tomorrow :) Get to see my chico! :) That's exciting. I cleaned out my desk last night. I actually did it.. go me.

22 May 2003

Yesterday was wonderful... Got up early (8am!) to go up and spend the day with Jon. We got Starbucks (I know I needed it, hehe) and wound up going to Owings Mills for the afternoon. It was really, really nice just to spend time with him, walking around and goofing off. And I got a new bra & boyshorts from Hecht's :) Yay for underwear :) Always, though, after I come home... my time spent with Jon seems almost like a dream. It's just so different. I almost wonder- did it happen? But I know that it did... and I am glad. Because I love him. :)

20 May 2003

Lol... I love quizzes

You're a Cosmopolitan! Your drink is made up of vodka, triple sec and cranberry juice. The ultimate style guru your other loves are cats and eating out. A sophisticated little star!
You're a cosmopolitan!  Your drink is made up of vodka, triple sec and cranberry juice.  The ultimate style guru your other loves are cats and eating out.  A sophisticated little star!
""Which cocktail are you?""

brought to you by Quizilla

19 May 2003

Yay!! Today is beautiful!! Sunny and warmish... :) So glad that the sun is out for a couple of days, but annoyed that it's going to start raining again wed-mon (at least)! To think that we were in a drought last year... I swear, this is SO not May weather, it's more like April weather. We're a month behind. boo. I get to work tonight 6.30-10.30... yayyy... hehe. I work again on Wed. 6.30-10.30 too. I like evening hours... and I need to NOT FORGET to put in for vacation in the first week of June for the Sisterhood Retreat... Going to the beach, baby!! :) Hee hee! It oughta be fun, and maybe I'll actually get some color into my skin =O That'll be the day, hehe.

I am determined to not bring as much useless stuff to school next year. I WILL pare down. I WILL use my space more effectively. That's the goal at least... :)

18 May 2003

Wow, long time since I last posted. Finished the second day working in the shoe dept at Kohl's today. Fun stuff, I guess. A lil tiring. I can't believe I'm home for the entire summer... It hasn't quite hit me. Of course, that may be because it doesn't feel like summer. At all.

I miss my Jon.

07 May 2003

Today is an absolutely beautiful day!! I had to get up for biodiversity :( but eh, I took a 2 hour long nap after I got back O:) And, even cooler, Stat was effectively cancelled - basically, we were there for like 10 minutes, and then, if we didn't want to take the (optional) quiz, we could leave... Very cool. I sat on the "steps" around red square reading until Jon got out of class to go to lunch.

I'm actually doing laundry =O and I just finished cleaning the bathroom. Now, I'm drinking Nestea and listening to music. Also getting excited about setting up for my room next year - I'm thinking about getting more shelfs and other storage items to maximize the "box" I'll be in. I think I may also get a set of regular sheets at Kohl's while I'm working there... silly ANW, having normal sized twin beds. I want to get some xmas lights to hang around my room (or fix the ones that I have...) also. *excited*

06 May 2003

Well, yesterday, went down to Kohl's for a four hour orientation thing. That was so much fun, let me tell you... :P It was funny when they gave the tour of the store, because I totally could've given it myself (at least the floor part, hehe). Got the handbook and my name tag and stuff.. whee...

Tonight is my recital... well, it's not really my recital, it's the student solo recital, in which I am playing. It would be nice if people other than my parents showed up.. I always feel sorta like a loser if no one else shows. But eh... it's all good. I usually try to go to other people's things (wished I could've gone to Fallon's thing last night... but alas, Kohl's).

04 May 2003

Wow!! Last night was so much fun, I don't even know where to begin. Everyone looked really nice (especially my Jon, of course, hehe)... and it was just a really great time. The food was... all right (except for the unidentifiable root vegetables), and it was neat to see their charter presented. And of course, dancing with Jon was awesome! :) We got back at around 1.30ish... and Jon and I went on a walk, talking and stuff. It was enjoyable.

Today the parents came up for Family Appreciation Day with Phi Mu... that was nice. Got to chat with them for a couple of hours. And I got some dinero too :)

I think I am going to clean my room a bit more... fun... :P

(ps, the "pics" link from the last post is fixed)

03 May 2003

Yay! I've uploaded pics from 3rd Dimension to my pics page! Go check it out, there's some nice ones :)

Getting ready for the Alpha Sig Black & White that's tonight :D I'm excited. It should be fun!! (Not to mention that I get to see Jon in a tux *giggle*)

Today I volunteered for Reunion Weekend (from 8.30-12.30) and that was actually sorta neat... well the last part that I had to do was neat. There was this "panel" of four alums from different years (two '53s, one '63, and a '73), and they were asked different questions about their experiences and stuff. It was cool to hear about what they used to do and stuff. Plus, the guy running it was into Corporate Communication, which was also ironic... considering that's sorta what I want to do.