25 July 2005


I feel like crap with a capital C. I suppose I could have just put Crap.
  • Sore throat caused from who-knows-what
  • Wisdom tooth area that hurts like a mo-fo
  • Inflammation of tissue underneath wisdom tooth area that hurts like a mo-fo
  • Oh, and cannot open mouth to EAT because it hurts.
  • General upset stomach
I think all may be caused by the wisdom tooth. Some wisdom. And no money to get rid of it :(

Haven't heard about my apartment :\

20 July 2005


It's been, like, forever since I've posted in this thing.

Blame livejournal and lack of internet access at home.

I want to do blogger again, though, because I like the design aspect. I am working on a new template, now.

I'd like to have a meaningful blog, but I really suck at this whole writing thing.

A photoblog would be nice, except I no longer have a digicam (and, unfortunately, I think my sister has started liking the one my mom gave her... if she didn't, mom was going to get her a different and give me that one. sigh), and, in any case, my computer isn't connected to the internet anyway.


In any case. See more later.