28 January 2004

Wow i haven't updated in a while.

Well, since my last posting, things have been very fun :) We celebrated over the weekend before going back to school, then Mother nature decided she liked us and gave us the first two days of school off! :D Today we had 2 hours late, so I only had to go to one class, yippee! The snow was a lot of fun, and I got some very good pictures (below are some of them). I am really excited for this semester; I think it is because I am taking a rather light load, so I will have more time to devote to individual classes and my Treasurer position. Light & Color (my class today) seems to be interesting, but we have to write a reasearch essay. Hmm.

Somehow, I jammed my ring finger on my left hand.. well, at least it feels like it. The first joint hurts and doesn't like to be bent. Meh.

I need to start putting information into my datebook.

Pictures! Yay! These were all taken yesterday..

I *heart* snow..

23 January 2004


I am very ... not exactly "pissed off" ... but definitely peeved. My Ad project, yes, the one where I was in a group of four, and did nearly all the work on..? Well, because I arrived after he did, the freaking Hungarian (sorry, nothing personal against hungarians..) got to essentially say that he would be the "contact" if our teacher needed someone to present it to the college. WHAT THE F...?! I was so peeved. At the end, I made sure to let him know that I at least did the graphics and stuff for the presentation- I really just wanted to add: "oh, along with most everything else!" ... but the hungarian was still in the freaking room. Why does he always spoil everything -.- GRR!!! Now if I try to do something, it would make me seem childish. If the hungarian had left instead of sticking around, I probably would have said that it would mean a lot to me to be the contact/make the presentation. I knew a lot about it.. etc etc. But NO! Gah!

Meh... must stop ranting... (but I'm still rather incensed about the whole deal >.<)

22 January 2004

Thursday Three

1. What astro star sign are you?

2. Do you favour your star sign traits?
Sometimes I think I do- especially since I'm becoming more and more OCD about things ^_^ and, well, I'm honestly rather picky about things...

3. Do you read and/or believe the astrological star signs?
Hehe, I have an astrological calendar (which has really cool pictures). I like to read them (I always read horoscopes if I see them), but I don't really believe them about 'futuristic' things. Personality wise... well, I'm always looking for something to define my personality.

Thursday Three

Wanted to start doing a few of these ... I noticed that there are a few "photo" memes- I might try that out. It could be fun :)
For some reason, our bathroom smells like B.O. Everytime I walk in, I feel like i've accidently stumbled into some sweaty linebacker's armpit. I can't understand why it smells that way- you think with the amount of chemicals they use in that place (which has made the entire floor smell like a hazardous waste zone, but has done nothing to the smell in the bathroom) would kill it. But, noooo. Hmph.

We had our presentation for Ad class today. My group of misfits did all right- the one guy had some really bad public speaking habits, though. He could talk... he just couldn't STAY IN ONE PLACE. He would do this little dance, one step forward, other foot follows; shift weight, shift weight; one step back, other foot follows; shift weight, shift weight... AAAGGGHHH! I really just wanted to go over, and grab him by the shoulders, or tell him to STAND STILL. My section went all right- I think I might have spoken a little to quickly, and I didn't elaborate on some of the things I wanted to elaborate on... but it's all good.

Every group had it's strong and weak points, but I think group no. 1 might win because they had a pretty neat Radio ad that they had made themselves. I liked our slogan the best though - "Shared Experience, Personal Success!" The others were .. um .. "Come ordinary, Leave extraordinary" (group 1, not too bad), "Come see" (i think? group 2, sort of okay), and group 1 had another one along the lines of "An education too expensive... not to have" or something like that.

Feeling pretty good right now. Maybe I'll do something productive...

21 January 2004

Oh So Proud

I feel so proud, so happy, and so lucky everytime I look at my ring. It makes me smile...

ad project- worked on it today with the other group members. Almost had an anheurism for a while, there. Then I finally got control and everything became presentable, for the most part. Ogilvy was right-advertising should not be done in committees! Two people, max, would have been better. But then the presentation day would have been 2 hours instead of 1 hour. Eep! But it's done. And we will be presenting first. So yeah...

I can't believe real classes start next week... not that I have a heavy load or anything. But still. It should be interesting.

20 January 2004

Hee hee!

Got the ring sized- and now it's on the right finger :) I'm so giddy.

My ad project is giving me a headache- mostly because (a) I don't want to do all the work because I don't want to control the entire thing (b) I don't really trust the other people's ideas/opinions (c) we never really get anything done and (d) because it's annoying. Erg.

I'll be chillin out tonight most likely- sitting in front of the tv watching Comedy Central with the boy. Hee hee. Perhaps eating my Safeway Tiramisu ice cream.

18 January 2004

I promised :)

So, my wonderful Chico gave me a really special gift two days ago...! I was very excited.

..A promise ring! It's not sized yet, we will be going to the jewelers on monday to drop it off (and to get my ring size) and it will be back on Tuesday. I adore it- and him, of course!

*gooey happy sigh*

I love you, Chico!

A movie meme

I saw this on another blog and felt the need to do it (and stay up even later, whee!)

1. Godfather, The (1972)
2. Shawshank Redemption, The (1994)
3. Godfather: Part II, The (1974)
4. Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, The (2003)
5. Lord of the Rings: Two Towers, The (2002)
6. Casablanca (1942)
7. Schindler�s List (1993)
8. Shichinin no samurai (1954)
9. Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The (2001)
10. Citizen Kane (1941)
11. Star Wars (1977)
12. One Flew Over the Cuckoo�s Nest (1975)
13. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964)
14. Rear Window (1954)
15. Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
16. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
17. Memento (2000) (I saw parts)
18. Usual Suspects, The (1995)
19. Pulp Fiction (1994)
20. North by Northwest (1959)
21. Fabuleux destin d�Amelie Poulain, Le (2001) (aka, Amelie)
22. Psycho (1960)
23. 12 Angry Men (1957)
24. Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
25. Silence of the Lambs, The (1991)
26. Buono, il brutto, il cattivo, Il (1966)
27. It�s a Wonderful Life (1946)
28. Goodfellas (1990)
29. American Beauty (1999)
30. Vertigo (1958)
31. Sunset Blvd. (1950)
32. Pianist, The (2002)
33. Matrix, The (1999)
34. Apocalypse Now (1979)
35. To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)
36. Some Like It Hot (1959)
37. Taxi Driver (1976)
38. Paths of Glory (1957)
39. Third Man, The (1949)
40. C�era una volta il West (1968)
41. Fight Club (1999)
42. Boot, Das (1981)
43. Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi (2001) (Spirited Away)
44. Double Indemnity (1944)
45. L.A. Confidential (1997)
46. Chinatown (1974)
47. Singin� in the Rain (1952)
48. Requiem for a Dream (2000) (The title seems familiar)
49. Maltese Falcon, The (1941)
50. M (1931)
51. All About Eve (1950)
52. Bridge on the River Kwai, The (1957)
53. Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
54. Se7en (1995)
55. Saving Private Ryan (1998)
56. Cidade de Deus (2002)
57. Raging Bull (1980)
58. Wizard of Oz, The (1939)
59. Rashmon (1950)
60. Sting, The (1973)
61. American History X (1998)
62. Alien (1979)
63. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)
64. Leon (The Professional) (1994)
65. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
66. Vita bella, La (1997) (Life Is Beautiful)
67. Touch of Evil (1958)
68. Manchurian Candidate, The (1962)
69. Wo hu cang long (2000) (Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon)
70. Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The (1948)
71. Great Escape, The (1963)
72. Clockwork Orange, A (1971)
73. Reservoir Dogs (1992)
74. Annie Hall (1977)
75. Amadeus (1984)
76. Jaws (1975)
77. Ran (1985)
78. On the Waterfront (1954)
79. Modern Times (1936)
80. High Noon (1952)
81. Braveheart (1995)
82. Apartment, The (1960)
83. Sixth Sense, The (1999)
84. Fargo (1996)
85. Aliens (1986)
86. Shining, The (1980)
87. Blade Runner (1982)
88. Strangers on a Train (1951)
89. Duck Soup (1933)
90. Metropolis (1927)
91. Finding Nemo (2003)
92. Donnie Darko (2001)
93. Toy Story 2 (1999)
94. Princess Bride, The (1987)
95. General, The (1927)
96. City Lights (1931)
97. Lola rennt (1998) (Run Lola Run)
98. Full Metal Jacket (1987)
99. Notorious (1946)
100. Sjunde inseglet, Det (1957)

I actually feel pretty good about myself, in terms of the amount I bolded (italicized) :D


I'm really psyched. Somehow, my computer managed to miraculously fix itself. Well, not quite fix itself, by itself, but I'm not quite sure what I did to fix it, either. I, first, wanted to reinstall Windows, but after realizing that I couldn't do that.. I decided to try to uninstall/reinstall some of the programs that were being funky. I first did PSP 7, mostly because I was dying over not being able to use it, then I did my CD Creator program... then, I (for some unknown, psychic reason) decided to try and open Money, which had also been acting up. BAM! It opened! No error messages or anything. Then, I tried to open my Kodak program... same thing! Like I said, I don't know what I did, but I'm glad I did it ^_^

It's snowing outside... well, kind of, right now... but at least we got some form of accumulation this time (rather than the dusting we got a couple of days ago!). It's pretty and I like it :)

It seems weird, because Jon wasn't here at all this evening (he went home after he got off work, and I wasn't around to see him) so I am feeling quite at a loss right now.

I received a special gift from Chico, yesterday :) More on that tomorrow.

16 January 2004

My Computer is a POS

*sigh* Not quite sure what exactly happened, but now if I try to open certain (most of my) programs, a really annoying KERNEL32 error will come up, then after you click OK, another message comes up saying that I do not have access to that program and I should contact my system administrator.. erm, right. I think it is a result of Boot record stuff. As I was Anti-Virusing, a message popped up about a change to the boot record, and was it expected (save), unexpected (delete), or to do nothing. I clicked expected for some unknown reason- and I think that may be the root of all this computer evilness. Bah. Humbug.

Trying to clean up the room more and get rid of some of the clutter. No class today, which made me happy :)

LAST NIGHT WAS SO MUCH FUN! A group of us went out for Kara's 21st birthday- first to Ruby Tuesday, then to Baja. It was a blast. We ate good food and got our groove thang on! Definitely a fun group. Definitely need to do that more often.

I'm upset because computer evilness is preventing me from opening Paint Shop Pro, and therefore from doing anything productive with my website. Grr. Oh yeah, and my Cd-writing program doesn't work. Grr. Grrrr!

14 January 2004

I have lots of things to do

I forgot about my website. I should work on that; I suppose it isn't a top priority, however... I also need to clean my room, and work on some other stuff for stuff ;) I should probably organize my desk, and work on Advertising, and maybe try to contact the Marketing Dept at school. I should get my butt in gear instead of wasting time on blogging, but, yeah, I'm a lazy bum.

Ad agency was a lot of fun! I learned a lot about the business and the ad creation process. It was really neat. I talked to the COO (who conducted the "session") afterwards, and he thought that going to grad school would be a good idea for me, because I want to refine my skills and whatnot. He said that if I got into VCU's program (and graduated) that I would definitely be a valued employee. So... that's exciting. Chico was a little unhappy with the prospect of my going to Grad school in VA, and it bums me out as well, but I don't even know if I'm going to get in much less be able to go right now. We'll wait and see.

Now I think I will go and be productive. :-P


Meep! I got my digicam back yesterday! I'm very excited. Now I can take pictures of all sorts of useless, inane things ^_^

Yesterday had field trip to ad agency, cool, more info later, probably. I will be heading to my ad class soon. Hopefully we will get out a little early...

It seems the school has decided to concentrate it's (ADD) efforts toward the parking lot/building project next to my dorm. Too bad it's not summer and there aren't hot construction worker guys running around shirtless. Um, not that I care, but I'm sure other people would appreciate it. It's not too loud, and I appreciate that.

08 January 2004

Chilly willy

It is warmer than usual outside - usual being around 28 degrees for the past couple of days - and cooler than usual in my room. 30 deg outside, 70 deg inside - about 4 deg lower than normal. I don't know why, but when the inside temp falls to about 72/70, my hands always get really cold. Like today, I first noticed that my hands were cold, then I looked at my thermometer and noticed the temp. Hmm.

I have given up on the idea that I will run in this weather. Maybe if it was in the high thirties/forties I would - but this weather is just simply too cold. It's hard enough for me to walk through it, much less run. I'll just wait for Cardio Kick.

I think I may actually clean my room and unpack today.

The common room smells absolutely awful. Very sulfuric - it smells like the stuff you use to clean silver. Blech.

I am very close to finishing up the revamp for my website :)

06 January 2004


So I was chillin in my room, looking at my computer (actually, checking out VCU's ad program) and stuff, then when I was done, I noticed my weather watcher was blinking, so I click on it, and it says possible snow showers. Excited at the prospect for snow, I go to click on the map to see where the snow was, and my computer froze. So I restarted it and turned around - BAM! it's snowing outside. I was amused. It was horizontal snow, too. Hehe. Right now it's not snowing as hard (bummer), but it looks like someone poured powdered sugar over the landscape.

Birds just flew by!! (I'm sorry if I seem excited, there is a distinct lack of birds on campus. And a very large population of squirrels, which may contribute to the lack of birds)

Although the parking lot next to my dorm is blocked off (as well as part of the road that goes behind my dorm), and there is a bobcat, a torn up sidewalk, missing trees, and a construction trailer, I have yet to see any "work" being done. I saw two men walking by with shovels yesterday, but they just went into the trailer. I don't understand why the roadway is blocked off if they're not even doing any work... although, I am not so very sad, since it is right outside my window and I would not like to be woken up at insane hours by workmen. Campus workers have the "waking you up early" thing down pat. No no, mowing, leaf/snow blowers, ice scraper things - all must be done as early as possible. Oy.

(aw, the snow cloud is going away. I wonder if there's another one.)

(I'm not dependent on computers. Hmph)

05 January 2004

Back at school!

Ahhh. Happy to be back at school. I still need to clean up the room a little bit (ie, unpack). Had my first Advertising class today, it should be pretty interesting. Also went to the Ad Agency... it looks very promising. I'm hoping I have the chance to have an internship there (or somewhere). I wish I could get a paid one, though... oh well.

I like Jan terms, I think more semesters should be like Jan term. It would be nice :)

Waiting for Chico to get back from work... Should probably clean up, but I don't feel like it. I just want to laze about. Heh.

02 January 2004

Oh I forgot!

That was my first post of the New Year! Cheers to new beginnings...




At this moment, I am pissed at Blogger. Oh yes. I had a magnificent entry, covering such topics as Mona Lisa Smile, why I like it and why the Critic does not, a life crisis concerning the future, and the new year and resolutions. 5 paragraphs long. All lost because Blogger decided to go caput. Grr.

I'm not really a fan of New Years resolutions, but I came up with a few to look back upon and see if I made any progress.
>No dieting (In my mind, dieting is stupid), but I need to exercise more. I'll be doing Cardio Kick at the beginning of next Semester, so that will be a good start. I am vaguely entertaining the notion of picking up some under-armour type clothing to ease winter running. Perhaps.
>Being nicer to my family. They deserve it! I am so thankful for what they've done - my parents really are the coolest parents on earth.
>Getting my life in order - I've been doing a little of that already, so I'll try to do it a little more.
Actually doing things for my future instead of getting stuck in a rut of "shoulda, coulda, wouldas." I shall enlist Chico to help me with this.. he's good at that sort of thing.
>Living each day to the fullest :)

To sum up my lost post:
I liked Mona Lisa Smile for the same reasons the Critic did not like it. It catered to my emotions! Even though it was not the best movie on earth, it certainly is a feel-good movie to see on a lark. Why don't they spend their time debunking HORRIBLE movies like Stuck On You instead of the middle-of-the-ground ones. That would have been a helpful critique.

Recently I have been really worried about my future - I am frightened of not being able to get a job, of not being able to do something that will give me some sort of success and a comfortable income. Just enough to be able to live with everything I need, and have some things that I want - a grand piano, maybe some horseback riding lessons, dsl/cable internet ;) and mostly knowing that I do not have to constantly worry/gripe about money. That would be ideal.