29 December 2003

A list of wants.

I want:
  • To work on my website
  • To have my digicam back
  • To see my Chico
  • To be nicer to my wonderful Mommy!
  • To go back to school
  • To get something concerning my future straightened out
  • To have more information on the Advertising "field trip" on the 5th
  • To have directions to said Advertising agency
  • To be all grown up
  • To be a little kid
  • To be less confused about who I am ;)
  • To plan and organize my life!
  • To plan in some spontaneous moments in my life ;)
  • To have an internship (perhaps at mentioned advertising agency?)
  • To be like Mary Wells Lawrence (author of A Big Life [In Advertising]) because she had such a fascinating life
  • To visit Europe (To have a villa? Wouldn't that be nice!)
  • To be financially stable (when I grow up) so that life can be relatively care-free
  • Perhaps, to be a little less pampered (erm.. spoiled)
  • To have things go well during Jan Term/Semester concerning job-like things
  • To have snow (at opportune moments, such as, after the first week of the Semester)
  • To buy some nice things with my Christmas booty ~ I got gift cards to Kohl's (used it today to buy some snow boots ^_^), Target, Blockbuster, Staples, Starbucks, and Best Buy :) whee! And I still have one for Borders from last year.
  • To have fun with my friends and family :)

26 December 2003

So how about that Christmas!

Christmas was very fun! On Christmas Eve I went up to Chico's for mass and to exchange gifts with him and his family. Jessie and J gave me a skirt from NY&Co (I still need to try it on) and his mom gave me a nice cardigan (speaking of - it would probably go well with the 2.51 shirt I bought at Hecht's today ^_^). I just gave them gift cards... which went over very well, actually! (Good work, Chico...). I enjoyed giving Chico a set of "stages of drinking" coasters (sober, buzzed, wasted, hungover) which amused everyone, as well as his black silk PJs ;) Of course, he was told that only he and Hugh Hefner have a pair of black silk pajamas, but he didn't mind at all! He gave me the Indiana Jones DVD set (yay!, and it's widescreen too - such a perceptive boy ~_^), a nice Kenneth Cole Reaction watch (of course it had to be Kenneth Cole!), and a little black dress from Cach�! It was a very nice evening :) I love hanging out with him.

Anyway. So I came back home that night and finished up wrapping presents for the family, and Christmas morning turned out wonderfully. Among other things, I got a pool cue, many gift cards, some dinero, and a book of dream interpretation :) Went out to the mall, but as stated earlier, only got one thing - A really neat strapless shirt that cost 2.51 from Hecht's! I looked around some other places, but I didn't buy anything because the lines were just too long! I like shopping/browsing, but it's not worth it to wait in line for a half hour just to get a couple of things!

Things are going very well. I've been having some unsettling dreams, though. Perhaps I should dip into that dream book ;) I'm not having scary dreams, just unsettling ones. Hm.

I'm very happy and excited. :)

25 December 2003


Merry Christmas everyone!

Updates later after the family stuff is over.

Edit: I really just don't feel like writing tonight.. instead I will watch James Bond on Spike TV in honor of Chico ;)

23 December 2003


A little belated gloating about my grades from this past semester ^_^

I did rather well in my classes, but I am a bit disappointed that I didn't get an A+ in Professional Comm, I think I deserved it! Hehe. Oh well ;)

Principles of Econ: A-
Principles of Management: A (I think he must have given me some leeway, because I know I was borderline B - therefore A- - before the final. Or I did a smashing job on the final)
Play, Ceremony, and Performance [Honors]: A
Quantitative Res. Methods: B+
Qualitative Res. Methods: A
Professional Comm: A
Choir: A+
Piano: A-

Semester GPA: 3.88
Cumulative GPA: 3.72


I just finished baking up some Date Pinwheels; they turned out very well - yummy! I am so psyched about being able to go on the internet. I feel so much more in tune with things ^_^ Whee!

22 December 2003


After nearly a week long hiatus from the internet, I am finally back online! Somehow, mom's computer "magically" got fixed while at the computer place. I think they did something. Because there are random things "missing" and stuff. It's weird. But I'm back online.. although now my mom is paranoid that I will "do something" to screw the computer up... it wasn't really my fault to begin with! Just because it went into hibernate mode because somehow the power strip got turned off...


Christmas is almost here and I have done shopping for my family and Jon. I am very displeased because Jon's special gift is backorderd till who-knows-when... unfortunately, I did not realize this because I have not been able to check my email. This would have been a good time to be at school, at least they have computer labs there.

I want to go on AIM but I think mom would flip if I downloaded it. I swear, she's computer literate enough to be paranoid, but not enough to understand what things do. Eepers. It can be frustrating sometimes - especially since I do not have my own computer with me.

I've been doing some baking over the past week - just cookies. Peanut Butter Blossoms (yum!) and recently made up a batch of Date Pinwheels that need to be baked. Tree is still not decorated.. unfortunately, a phone call to Chico lasted over an hour and took up some tree-time.

I feel stressed for some reason. In the sense that things are not getting done, or that I am forgetting something...

Chico came down this past Friday to take me out to see Return of the King; unfortunately, we got movie times mixed up and wound up seeing Stuck on You. Which.. I thought would just be mindless humor. It was indeed mindless, with bits and pieces of humor. Definitely wouldn't see it again. I want to see Mona Lisa Smile, even though it did not do well in the critiques department, but the critic simply said that the movie was not unique, and that it simply catered to people's emotions... which is fine by me.

I may be getting another job at school! At the library, no less. If it works out, I will upgrade from a library groupie to a library worker ;) Extra money never hurts. Especially in my case. I am very excited to get organized for next semester. I am really quite OCD when it comes to organization of stuff. Even if it is in organized piles. :P

I hope I can see my friends before I leave for school again.. Let's see, sometime between X-mas and New Years, or sometime between new years and the fourth. I'll be heading back to school at around 11am on the 4th... Woo woo for Jan term!

I think I may add a few links to the sidebar before I go to bed. Maybe.

(I think I've written enough to compensate for the past week, now)

15 December 2003


Uneventful. I am a big huge mega-slacker in terms of holiday giving this year. That's what happens when you have final exams I guess.

I am very sad... I want to update my site so badly... and... I can't because I do not have my computer. *sigh* I promise it will be a great site though. Hehe.

I am very bored.

14 December 2003

New template

I like this template SO much better than the old one. SO much better. :)

Saddam got captured today, well at least Bush is justified now. My theory was that he was waiting for the holiday season - then get some reindeer from the russians and pretend to be santa claus to get out :-P I'm terrible. (first thing I thought of when I saw his beard).

Found the most interesting blog today- Belle de Jour. It may go into my "I read" section (especially considering I do not have my computer [and therefore my favorites] with me). I am highly amused by the blog.

I'm tired. I may go to bed now... if I am not distracted by something shiny.

Urge to.. design

I really, really, want to do some graphic design - work on my new website template (which I think will turn out very nicely!) which I'm calling Mediterraneo. It has very tuscan, golden, hues complemented by a nice sea-blue. I think the layout will be nice- I'm going to incorporate a lot of things with this version that I've been wanting to put on my website (templates, icons, etc). It should be cool.

I also want to redo my blogger layout. Of course. I can't be satisfied, can I? :-P All this creative energy has to go somewhere... maybe I'll sketch out a few ideas that can be image-less (so I can just type it all up using html/css). Or something.

I'm excited: I sent an email for a "Road Trip" to an Advertising agency through my school. I really hope I can be a part of it - they do internships, and it would just be AWESOME if I could get one for the summer. Especially since I'm doing an Advertising Jan Term, which I am also excited about :) Of course, Jan Term should wind up being exciting on so many levels! Whee!


So I came home today.. it's, well, home, slightly updated though. Looking really good :) I like being home... but it's kind of tedious at first because mommy and daddy want to keep spending lots of quality time with me... and, well, I'm just used to spending time, um, by myself, or with jon who generally doesn't ask me a lot of questions about school :-P It's cool, I just get a little impatient sometimes.

My piano jury went very well!! I got an A- overall, and my level was raised from a 4.9 (advanced intermediate) to 5.2 (lower advanced) - 3 points! :) I was very proud of myself. I'm starting 2 new pieces over break, a Chopin Nocturne and a Bartok piece. It should be interesting, I will be excited to do a nocturne. Good ol' dr. Krieder wants me to do a recital... sometime in the future. And be a music minor. Oy Dr. Kreider. :-P

Last night was *uber* fun! I love hanging with all my girls. You guys rock my world (and don't forget Alli - you're gonna knock on my door :-P). CAN'T WAIT for Jan term. It'll rock. I'll gain experience (yeah advertising!) and be with the best peoples on earth!

Hehe it's late. But it was a great end of semester/beginning of break.

10 December 2003


I want to do so many things other than study for/do finals and stuff. I want to clean my room, I want to do a new blog template, I really really really want to clean my room, I want to get organized for next semester and Jan term (by the way, my book for Jan term only costs 14 bucks!!) I don't want to study for econ. I don't want to "play" for theatre, I am indifferent towards my piano... but I REALLY need to practice. REALLY need to. Since it's tomorrow and stuff.

Meeeh!! :-\


It's very late at night (or very early in the morning) and I have ran out of motivation... well, it's probably better to say that I never had any motivation, and I've just decided that I won't be getting any anytime soon.

Suddenly, I'm feeling tired of the pinkness. It seemed fresh and new on my mom's computer (which shows colours differently than mine)... but eh. I'm thinking something a little more.. streamlined and, well, nicer looking. I want to add a few things, too, which will have to be worked in.. frequently read blogs, favorite websites, current read/song/whatever. Things like that. I thought I had found something really cool called BlogAmp... but apparently it only works with winamp 2.0 o.O And other plugins for 3.0 seem to only work with blogging clients (like w.bloggar). Bah humbug to that. But I do tend to have songs that I listen to over and over again for a period of time, so I can put those up without too much fuss and trouble.

I'm thinking white/cream/a pale color background with some vivid streamlined colors and images.

I wish I had my digicam. I feel like taking random pictures.

Random thought: I like the shirt I'm wearing because it makes me feel well endowed.

I'm tired... I'll study till Jon comes back from work. Blah to econ. I'll probably be getting a B in that class... A-/B+/B in Management, A/A+? in Prof Comm (I wish!), A/A- in Qual, A/A- In quant... A-/B+/B in Piano, A+ in choir...

Hmm. Not too bad... not like my straight A's (um, was it last semester? I think so! I was very proud of that. Booyah). Honestly though, I really don't stress about grades so much. Unless I think I'll be getting a C... other than that... I'm cool :-P

(wow I just ramble on, don't I!)

09 December 2003

Word of the day

So, I guess I failed yesterday's goal for wordness. Oh well, it's not like I need to use it in order to remember it.

Word of the Day
LOCO (adj., n., v. tr.) - Insane; a crazy person, locoweed; to poison with locoweed, to make crazy.


So far I've been freaked out twice by snow falling right past my window from the roof. I think I may be going loco. (yes, pathetic attempt, I know)

I may post another 20 things instead of doing work. Although I really do need to study for econ tomorrow. eepers! :-P

08 December 2003

One Hundred Things

The first of five, 20 item, installments

1. One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone doesn't turn the shower off all the way.. drip.. drip.. aaaah!
2. I'm not annoyed by hair in the shower. Usually because it's mine.
3. I'm surprised I'm not bald (due to the amount of hair that comes out in the shower)
4. I love being near water (ie: lake). It calms me.
5. Nestea makes me hyper.
6. I can hold my own with Tequila shots
7. I have a loving boyfriend
8. He buys me lots of things
9. I'm cynical when it comes to church
10. But I have faith
11. I love to laugh
12. I'm a Phi Mu
13. I like my room to be neat (organized piles!), not cluttered
14. I never liked coffee till I met a Starbucks Mocha.
15. My boyfriend says I'm addicted to Starbucks now (I'm not.)
16. I never went to Sheetz until my Junior year
17. I love the Pretzel Melt (Bavarian ham, Provolone)
18. Wawa is not as good as Sheetz (well, I've only been there once)
19. I have a secret desire to cook/bake
20. I do everything possible to try and keep my life in order.

Done one exam

Glad that management is over. Although currently I feel like CRAP because I (think i) have a cold. My temp is below normal- Jon said that's usually connected to a cold virus. I think I may have a sinus infection because my eyes are so watery (and my head hurts).

Sometimes I think it would be neat to have a LiveJournal, as it appears that so many people I know have them. I actually looked into LJ when I was first getting into the whole online journal thing (*sigh*) about.. a year and a half ago. Unfortunately, at that time I didn't know anybody who had one, and didn't feel like paying, so I couldn't open an account. And I like Blogger because it's just so incredibly flexible.. you can do practically anything you want with it... without paying. I just wish there was some way to view "friends" entries. Oh well. I guess it's LJ's way of recruiting.

I will be posting the first installment to my "100 things" soon.

Word of the Day (brought to you by A.W.A.D)
AMIGO (n.) - a friend

(Goal: To use the word at least once in a post today)

06 December 2003


I added a link to my pictures slideshow there on the right (>) for everyone to enjoy. I'm still researching on a way to make a drop-down list type deal so you can choose which picture to see. All in all, I think it looks pretty good - simple and effective.

Speaking of... I think I may do a redesign of my site... :)


It snowed, yet we still had class (the only institution in the area that was open). I really didn't mind.. I didn't have much to do in any of my classes anyway. We did our ritual (inside Ensor Lounge - thank goodness), and it actually turned out well because a few people showed up for it. I think Ron liked it a lot. Booyah.

Snow is very much fun! It's very pretty and white outside... i wish they wouldn't plow/shovel, it makes it look so uuugly. Blah blah, safety first, blah blah. Or something like that. Unfortunately it probably won't last through next week.

Had a fun time last night at Brad's watching Pirate's of the Carribean. A really fun group of people. Afterwards, Jon and I went over to Heather's and hung out for a little bit before getting back at about 1.30.

And now.. time to start cramming for finals. :P

04 December 2003


Yay!! It's snowing :) I'm indifferent about school cancellations.. I really don't have to do anything tomorrow anyway (except for the ritual.. erm.. yeah.. i could live without that one).

Let it snow,
Let it snow,

03 December 2003

Work, work, work

I was excited about my week because I didn't think that I had much to do. I forgot about the Case Study that is due tomorrow.. :P ..luckily it's a group project and my groupies aren't slackers like me ^_^ I got it done though, and I think it's pretty good all put together.

And... speaking of papers... the one that I was so stressed about? That I was so worried about? That I printed out the time class was supposed to be starting? Well, we got them back today... and my teacher LOVES my paper. An example for the rest of the class to follow ;) Just goes to show that I work well under pressure... or something like that... :)

It made my day great!!

Also, I made a gingerbread (graham cracker) house today during the Phi Mu COB event. It was fun, I've never made one before! I wish my digicam wasn't broken [it will get fixed over break though :D] or I would take a picture of it to share. It was a nice house (although some of the girls at half the roof and made it into a gingerbread TRAILER, LOL).

I've been thinking about my "100 things about me" ... I think of things when something happens.. only problem is I have a hard time remembering them.

I made a prototype for my photo pop-up window thing. I like it ^_^ [yay for procrastination]

I am happy because, soon, stress will be aaaallll goooone!

[whew! long post]

01 December 2003

An idea

I just thought of a new way to display my photos. Make a pop-up window with nav arrows and a drop down list of all photos for reference. Cool, neh? I guess. Perhaps I'm just a nerd who likes to think of ways to procrastinate ^_^