08 December 2003

Done one exam

Glad that management is over. Although currently I feel like CRAP because I (think i) have a cold. My temp is below normal- Jon said that's usually connected to a cold virus. I think I may have a sinus infection because my eyes are so watery (and my head hurts).

Sometimes I think it would be neat to have a LiveJournal, as it appears that so many people I know have them. I actually looked into LJ when I was first getting into the whole online journal thing (*sigh*) about.. a year and a half ago. Unfortunately, at that time I didn't know anybody who had one, and didn't feel like paying, so I couldn't open an account. And I like Blogger because it's just so incredibly flexible.. you can do practically anything you want with it... without paying. I just wish there was some way to view "friends" entries. Oh well. I guess it's LJ's way of recruiting.

I will be posting the first installment to my "100 things" soon.

Word of the Day (brought to you by A.W.A.D)
AMIGO (n.) - a friend

(Goal: To use the word at least once in a post today)

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