12 September 2006

Recipe: Simple Pita Pizzas

I wouldn't really call this a recipe as much as a technique, really.

Pita Pizzas

  • Pitas
  • Tomato, diced
  • Feta Cheese, crumbled
  • Fresh Mozzarella, sliced
  • Marinated artichoke hearts, diced
  • Chopped basil, to taste
  • For amounts, to give you an idea, for 6 pitas, I used one large tomato, half a container of feta, half a ball of mozzarella, and 6 artichoke hearts

  1. Evenly distribute tomato among desired amount of pitas
  2. Top with artichoke hearts, about one per pita
  3. Top with the mozzarella and feta
  4. Broil pizzas until cheese is bubbling, and turning color lightly
  5. Sprinkle top with basil, let cool a moment, and cut into desired amount of pieces for serving

There you go. Pretty simple, yet very tasty.