30 July 2003

So today I had my cavity filled. It only took two novacaine shots this time for me to not feel it. Sometimes it took 3 or 4 before. Still, I was a bit nervous because it's been a while since I last had a cavity filled.. and the drill just drives me nuts. It doesn't matter that I can't feel it. I can hear it. It sounds like it hurts. And the pitch of the drill, the frequency or something, makes my head hurt and my ears hurt. Not to mention that the sound is associated with so much pain and suffering etc etc.

Went to annapolis again today. I like annapolis. It's a cool place... but it really makes me want to go sailing.. or, rather, relearn how to sail. I do so love sailing... and boating... and all sorts of things of an aquatic nature. I'm drawn to the water... it calls to me, in a way. It's just a part of my nature, I suppose.

27 July 2003

So I had an intersting dream last night. I do believe that it was vaguely related to the book I am rereading - The Silver Wolf. But anyways, in it, I remember being near the shore of a body of water, and there were several lions, male and female, just hanging around. I wasn't really scared all that much, just a little nervous. And we were just sitting there. Then one of the lions scratched my hand with its claws. And there was blood pouring out of the cuts. And though I went away a few times, I always wound up near them again. I think some people tried to drive them away, but they wouldn't go. Not saying that it all made sense, it was just an interesting dream. And apparently I sleepwalked this morning.. oy. Sometimes I do that. Thankfully, usually not at school.

Today has been a nice lazy day. I think I have my room for college mostly planned out. Winds up that I am going to loft my bed, just because the extra space is nice. But I'm going to put my desk under it, for something different than last year. So.. we'll see how everything goes.. :)

26 July 2003

So.. I only work 4 times this week, sweeet! And then, I said that I'd stop working starting the 7th. And I requested off the 3rd. So that makes max 3 days work NEXT week. So max 7 days of work till I'm done with it!! (for the semester). But I tell you, I am a shoe goddess. Oh yes, you are looking at a girl with innovative ideas and the ability to actually get things done. Woe to them when I go back to school, hehe. But I caan't wait!!!

24 July 2003

So yay, I'm not working tomorrow :) And only TWO weeks till I stop working. And after that, one week till Counting Crows/John Mayer concert with my favorite boy and company. And then after that, one week till school. mwahaha. I cant wait :)

But in the short term, I'm not working tomorrow :)

20 July 2003

Well, one of the things that will get me through today is the fact that my awesome chico is coming tomorrow night :) And also the fact that I will only be working 4 hours tomorrow :) So tomorrow will go by quickly :) So all I have to really get through is today :) And I'm psyched, hehe.

So... the website will take a lil longer than planned, mostly because I was so psyched about putting it up that I forgot that I had only coded the main page so far ^_^ I finished the poetry, gallery, and wallpaper sections last night. (Poetry/Gallery is easy, wallpaper a lil more difficult, only b.c I didn't have a real wallpaper section before). So, tonight and maybe tomorrow I'll be working on the pictures pages, which are the most time consuming. And then after all that, I'll hopefully be putting it all up :)

Only six hours. I can do this.

19 July 2003

So, yay! I get to see my chico on Tuesday (monday night) because for once our schedules have coinciding days off! heehee! Also, I am actually off on friday! So if anyone wants to do som'n... :)

Today I am only working 1-5, four hours, so it'll be a nice easy day (hopefully). Oh, and I have an awesome new version of my website worked out- it should be up sometime this evening (if I have the time). I love it! I even have some new content for your viewing pleasure.

And I can't wait for Monday night.

Sun: 12-6 [pos]
Mon: 2.30-6.30 [pos]
Tues: OFF!
Wed: 10-6.30 [shoes]
Thurs: 10-5 [shoes]
Fri: OFF!
Sat: 12-5 [shoes]

16 July 2003

I am absolutely positive I have the bestest Chico ever!! Partly due to the fact that he surprised me with a visit this morning :) Drove allll the way down here just to see me for a few hours before I had to go to work ^_^ He's cute and wonderful.

I swear, at work today, it was the day of lets-not-understand-anything-she-says. At LEAST three or four separate individuals came up to me, asked me a question or two, and I reply- only to receive a completely blank look... so I repeated (a little more slowly, using smaller words) what I said, with little better effect...

Like this woman walks up to me with two display shoes "Have in two?" .. of course, it took me just a nanosecond to figure out she wanted these shoes in a size two. (A KIDS size two. For HER. That's like a size 3.5/4 in womens. She had SMALL feet, people). But, of course, I knew we didn't even have one of the shoes in the back.. "We don't have any more of this shoe" points "but I can check on that one for you". Blank look. "Do you have shoe size two?" I'm thinking- OY. "That shoe is all gone" points "but we have more of that one" points. "Oh. Look please?". So I go look, and we don't have any more of the other one either, and tell her that. And... she doesn't even look up and just goes off. Weeeird people. Then there was the lady that wanted to know what mens dress shoe was the best quality out of what we carried. I don't know or care.. So I give her a bit of BS about this shoe and that, blah blah blah. Shoe her a couple of shoes that she might like.. she sorta seems interested... but no. She starts to wander off and goes "I think I bring my husband back to look." So... why was it so important to flag me down as I was rushing down the aisle with a pile of shoes... I don't know. Oy, customers.

15 July 2003

Added a tag-board in the info section... so leave a message if you want (simplest thing ever)! An easy way to contact me if you don't find me online, too. Have fun!!

Man I really, REALLY, can't wait to get back to school and see everyone!! I can't wait to live on the floor with all the girls :) Fun times ahead, booyah.
So I took away the halfway annoying "weatherpixie"... Thought it could be something cool to jazz up my blog, but nooo. It didn't even work.. *sigh*. So that lil piece of fluff went bye bye. Oh well, maybe I could find something else interesting (that works!) to put up.

Haven't jogged again since saturday. I might today or tomorrow... Need to keep this thing up so I'm not too pitiful when school starts...

12 July 2003

Well I did it! I went jogging and I'm actually very proud of myself. I had to make myself do it. I made myself put on my jogging clothes, shoes, made myself go outside, and made myself start jogging. After I started going, it wasn't so bad. Granted, I have the endurance of a gnat, but still... I pushed myself and now I feel pretty good about it. yay.
Well, I have decided that I want to be active. I am deliberating with myself whether or not I should go out jogging... It's Healthy! I can't jog. But it's nice outside! I don't want to look like an idiot. That sort of thing. I've been telling myself that I should start jogging the entire summer, so this would be an opportune time to do it. Not for too long, just down the road and whatnot. I should do it.. but it's just so hard to convince myself.

07 July 2003

Wow I totally haven't posted in a long time!!!! I tell you, I can't wait to get back to school. It's nice to be earning money, but.... it would be nicer to be at school (and to have more free time, to boot!) and spend more time with my girls, the boys, and of course my Chico!

I am creating a complete inventory of all my college stuffs (yes, I am aware of my geekitude)... It'll be nice. No more frantic packing/slow unpacking. Everything will have its place! It will be done!! Bwahahha! ... okay, maybe got a lil carried away there... ;) But it'll be nice! I'm good at organizing (it's staying organized where I have a problem...)

Working at Kohl's is so much fun, let me tell you!! Honestly, it's getting a lil old, but I think that's mostly because I'd rather be with Jon and having a happy carefree time. But, working gives me some spending money for school. Which is also nice. Plus, it's not unbearable.... and honestly I enjoy it more when i can just do my job in the shoe dept w/o having anyone else there to bother me/get in my way/have me get in their way.. unless it's a manager or something.

Speaking of work... Tues, 1-6; Wed 8.15pm-1am (doing ad-set... I SO can't wait.. er.. not); Thurs, 2-7; Friday, 8-2.

Well, I think that's about it for now... :)