16 July 2003

I am absolutely positive I have the bestest Chico ever!! Partly due to the fact that he surprised me with a visit this morning :) Drove allll the way down here just to see me for a few hours before I had to go to work ^_^ He's cute and wonderful.

I swear, at work today, it was the day of lets-not-understand-anything-she-says. At LEAST three or four separate individuals came up to me, asked me a question or two, and I reply- only to receive a completely blank look... so I repeated (a little more slowly, using smaller words) what I said, with little better effect...

Like this woman walks up to me with two display shoes "Have in two?" .. of course, it took me just a nanosecond to figure out she wanted these shoes in a size two. (A KIDS size two. For HER. That's like a size 3.5/4 in womens. She had SMALL feet, people). But, of course, I knew we didn't even have one of the shoes in the back.. "We don't have any more of this shoe" points "but I can check on that one for you". Blank look. "Do you have shoe size two?" I'm thinking- OY. "That shoe is all gone" points "but we have more of that one" points. "Oh. Look please?". So I go look, and we don't have any more of the other one either, and tell her that. And... she doesn't even look up and just goes off. Weeeird people. Then there was the lady that wanted to know what mens dress shoe was the best quality out of what we carried. I don't know or care.. So I give her a bit of BS about this shoe and that, blah blah blah. Shoe her a couple of shoes that she might like.. she sorta seems interested... but no. She starts to wander off and goes "I think I bring my husband back to look." So... why was it so important to flag me down as I was rushing down the aisle with a pile of shoes... I don't know. Oy, customers.

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