30 July 2003

So today I had my cavity filled. It only took two novacaine shots this time for me to not feel it. Sometimes it took 3 or 4 before. Still, I was a bit nervous because it's been a while since I last had a cavity filled.. and the drill just drives me nuts. It doesn't matter that I can't feel it. I can hear it. It sounds like it hurts. And the pitch of the drill, the frequency or something, makes my head hurt and my ears hurt. Not to mention that the sound is associated with so much pain and suffering etc etc.

Went to annapolis again today. I like annapolis. It's a cool place... but it really makes me want to go sailing.. or, rather, relearn how to sail. I do so love sailing... and boating... and all sorts of things of an aquatic nature. I'm drawn to the water... it calls to me, in a way. It's just a part of my nature, I suppose.

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