04 August 2003

So, I have a grand total of TWO DAYS working this week. Hee hee. Last week working. Last two days. No more shoes for the rest of the semester!! And I'm working 5.30-10.30 today, and 12.30-something tomorrow. Then I'm OUTTA there. *sigh*

Of course, I have been thinking a lot about going back to school lately. I am very excited. I hope that I will be a little less hermit-like this year in my single, reach out more to other people, and have a lot of fun :) In between school work. Jon gave me my list for books, but, alas, it was slightly hard to decode (I'm sure he had some pattern/system for it, but it was slightly confusing). Apparently I have THREE econ books. Can you believe it?! Suddenly that class looks a little intimidating. My professional comm class book is a "guide to technical writing". I think that might be useful... my dad's always talking about technical writers for proposals and stuff. So I could probably do something like that if all else fails. And.. hmm... there's one book each for my 2 research methods classes... And there's "challenges for tomorrow's leaders"! for Management. But I don't think that class will be too, too boring... well, at least because Carter is teaching it, and I've heard good things about the guy. And then there's the Theatre class, which oughta be pretty fun :) Hopefully it won't turn into a "God class" phenomenon. Yar.

I am very excited for this semester. Fall semester is always WAY better than spring sem.

I had this strange dream last night... I was locked in this room, by these other people... I don't know why I was "jailed" or whatever. But these other people had me and a few others locked in there. I remember that there were different classes of us people who were locked up, and my group was called... something I can't remember, but I remember associating a puffy white cloud or something with the word. We were angry because the people who kept us locked up thought we were children, but we weren't, we were just small (or something like that). And apparently, they didn't give us enough food. There were two "guards" a woman and a man. The woman was a little more lenient, and when she opened the door, I ran out into this cafeteria type place and started gorging myself on all the food there in the salad bar/buffet line thing.. like potato salad and other assorted food. The last thing I picked up were like 3 halves of a grilled cheese sandwich, and about that point, the more strict guy-guard was returning and made me return the grilled cheese, but I asked if I could have one bite, and he said yes. So I had one bite of grilled cheese and went back into the room. I remember I was laying down and Jon came in, but we couldn't "do" anything because it wasn't allowed, because they thought we were children. And I was raving about that, and my grandma looked at me (for some reason she was there, sort of). And a was a little embarassed but it didn't stop me from raving... and I think I woke up then. Although I kept falling back to sleep and kept dreaming in the same scenario. I think the reason I don't like getting up in the morning is because my mind likes dreaming. Yeah, I guess that sounds a little nutty too... but it makes sense to me.

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