06 August 2003

So I FINALLY put up the new design for my website. You should check it out, it's very cool... although I must say, for once, it actually (desing wise) looks better when using netscape rather than IE... no big things, just little things that I probably notice more than anyone else would.

Umm... went out erranding today :) It was nice to be able to do that... and not work! woo! Stopped by Staples to get a school calendar... I got a daily one w/ the hours on it. I think it'll help me plan out my days so that I can use time more effectively.... or something like that. We'll see how long I keep up with it. I also got those cord holders so that you can move cords around the room w/o duct tape (which is always falling down anyways). Which reminds me that I need to get poster hang tab things.

Tomorrow going up to celebrate Diana's b-day! Woo! I have a life after all! Hehe... It'll be fun :)

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