22 August 2003

Eep! I've been packing/stuffing the cars all day... still not done. I think I've done a good job of bringing pretty much only what I need... except in the matter of clothes. I always overpack clothes... doesn't matter where I'm going or what I'm doing. So yeah, clothes are taking up a lot of room.

So... Glar [dining hall] supposedly changed their menu. This could be good or bad... knowing Glar, it's probably bad. Although, it has to be better than dry, fatty meat; undercooked, bloody meat (even poultry!); cole slaw on everything- from grilled cheese (?) to hamburgers (?!) to toasted subs (?!!). The cole slaw thing disturbs me the most- you go to get a normal looking sandwich, then BAM! You bite into a pile of nastiness (I actually like coleslaw, but why put it on a HOT sandwich where it doesn't belong?). Knowing our luck, they probably changed the dessert menu, the only good thing about Glar. Heck, they already took away my favorite fruit and nut muffins. *sigh*. Wait and see, I guess.

I'll be leaving (hopefully) in 12 hours.

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