31 January 2003

Gotta love meaningless quizzes to try and add purpose and identity to my life

You are a Pineapple...the traditional symbol of
friendship, you embrace everyone as a
friend...you are loyal, kind and always there
for a friend in need...

What Kind of Fruit Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Yellows are the most fun-loving, free-spirited,
energetic, and childlike personalities in the
aura spectrum. Yellows are wonderful,
sensitive, optimistic beings, whose life
purpose is to bring joy to people, to have fun,
and to help heal the planet.

What Is Your True Aura Colour?
brought to you by Quizilla
I'm sitting here wondering if I should get back into the whole neopets thing again. I really have nothing else to do, but I don't want to get all into this and then not be able to stop when it's necessary ^_^ I dunno, it always takes a little bit to get back in the swing of things anyhow...

*10 minutes later*

Woohoo I got a neomail!! and if only I could make real money as well as I make neopoints ;)

30 January 2003

Right now, I feel aimless... Lost in a crowd... Unable to define myself. I just don't understand. I feel like this periodically... I want to fix whatever makes me feel like this but I can't even begin to figure out what it is. Ah, me.
It's really weird, this is the second night in a row where I've had a "moving" dream. I wonder what it means? I really should get myself a dream book.

I'm just trying to figure out what to do with myself.

29 January 2003

I've been having these dreams lately that have been rather interesting.. I wake up, and I have this unusual feeling of importance, or mayhap urgency.. and I can only remember fragments of my dreams.. but the parts I do remember mimic those feelings of importance and urgency. I am intrigued.

28 January 2003

I've been listening to the Mask of Zorro soundtrack.. definitely want to watch the movie now... *sigh*

Is it friday yet? (this is completely sad.. it's the first week and already I can hardly stand it ^_^)
Score. Finished the biodiversity chapter :) I'm prouuuud of myself. Time for a Big Money break ;) ...then on to the online reading for Bio.

I really should call my piano teacher and my advisor tomorrow.. yeeah...
Okay, it's very weird. This morning, after I woke up, TWICE I heard pounding on the ceiling; Like someone dropped an anvil. It's pretty weird. And it wasn't just one pounding each time, it was double - like two things were dropped or whatever. The people upstairs can't be that loud!!

I had a sad thought earlier - Jon can't come and sneak up on me anymore :(
***update: I was wrong. He totally scared me earlier. Apparently he can get into our suite with his key..

27 January 2003

Let's play "How productive has Alex been?"!

*Read the Prologue to the Wilson book for Biodiversity
*Read half of the first chapter of the Biodiversity textbook
*Read the text of the Statistics book

I'm proud of myself :D
I saw this as someone's away message: "In any case living creatures are as they are without standing outside their Being as such and within the truth of Being, preserving in such standing the essential nature of their Being..etc. What?!!!"

Gotta loooooooooooooove philosophy... ahh the memories of profound.. confusion..
So, today was the first day of classes... not too bad. Biodiversity looks interesting (although there will be a bit of work involved.. well, I guess it is an Honors class...) and my Stat class at 12.40 definitely got out at around 1. :) Good times. And the flex time is definitely optional :D That's exciting.

Right now.. I'm pondering doing some reading for Biodiversity... hmm...

I think I'm adjusted pretty well to my single - I don't talk aloud to myself half as often as I expected to.. ^_^

Ooo! And Jon gave me the most adorable teddy bear :) So I can snuggle with it :) It smells like him :) Hehe it makes me smile :)

26 January 2003

ohh my God... I was thirsty, so I was going to pour myself some water before going to bed. There was definitely a roach crawling on top of the fridge door. I was definitely freaked out. Ack! To do: get a bazillion roach traps and put them as far away from my food/bed as possible. EEP!
After reading all the types, I've decided that I fit the most closely with INTP. I think that it fits me pretty well...
well, everyone's back... I got to see Jon for a little bit before he ran off to do his thing ^_^

I am celebrating super boal sunday by... doing laundry :-/ Oh boy, fun stuff!!
Openness To Experience

Your high score in the Openness category means that you probably have a strong creative streak. Your broad intellectual curiosity and your interest in the various arts set you apart. Some people may consider you somewhat of a dreamer, and your taste for variety often means moving quickly on to the next experience. This tendency makes you appear a bit flighty and inconsistent. But these elements of your personality simply reflect a character full of new ideas and charged with emotions.


Your medium score in the Conscientiousness category means that you have achieved a solid balance in your outlook towards responsibility. You are probably somewhat organized, with a little room for improvement. Your priorities probably reflect a mix of work and play. Thoughtfulness characterizes your thinking style, so you give gravity to important decisions without making a big deal out of minor issues. You are probably serious about achieving success, but do not feel completely driven by this motivation. All in all, you've got a very healthy perspective on work and duty.


Your medium score in the Extraversion category defines your social identity. You are probably comfortable in either a crowd or by yourself, and spending time alone or with company is equally enjoyable. When among others, you tend to stand in the foreground, although you may not always wish to take the position of a leader. Instead, you seem to prefer moving between the role of leader and follower, as the situation requires. You probably keep a moderately active social life; you're generally on the lookout for excitement, but certainly don't require it. You tend to keep a fairly positive emotional outlook, and people can usually count on your for some good cheer.


The Agreeableness category refers to your social disposition. Your high score indicates your tendency to forego your own desires for the sake of others - sometimes to a fault. You are probably known as a kind and modest person who is willing to overlook your own needs for the interest of the group. You believe in creating harmony among people, to the point where you can sometimes act a bit dependent. With your straightforward style of communication and your sentimental nature, this isn't hard for you. You tend to see the world by the light you cast - as honest and genuine.

Negative Emotionality

Negative Emotionality scale refers to your emotional reactivity. Your low score implies that you generally resist the influence of what's going on around you. Confronted by situations that most people would find upsetting, you'll often remain calm and rational. For example, strong feelings of embarrassment, sadness, stress or anger are emotions that may not arise too often within you. Instead, you seem to resolve these issues with a minimum of difficulty. Your personality is best characterized as cool and levelheaded.

Your type of sexy is... Shy 'n' Sexy

When it comes to sex appeal, you have it � and you know it. It's just that you hold it back until you're more secure with the person of your affections. Were you the kind of kid who was nervous about the first day of school even though you knew you were smart enough to compete?

Let's face it, you probably know what you're great at, it's just getting over that initial bump of meeting someone new, getting used to them, and warming up to a situation that gives people the impression you might be a little more tame than others. But look out. Because when you reach your comfort level, you're in the zone.

Your lovers are the lucky ones because they're the only people who really know what lies beneath your timid exterior. Sure you might shy away from steamy looks in public. But get you behind closed doors and you're ready to unleash your true sexual powers. You may be shy, but you know how to hook and reel 'em in.
Your movie star double is... Reese Witherspoon

A space cadet (in the nicest sense of the word) like you needs to be played by someone who has her own rosy outlook on life, someone who is completely loyal, someone who is unbelievably endearing, someone like Reese Witherspoon.

Whether she's lighting up the stage as the dreamy darling in The Importance of Being Earnest, or pushing passed her blonde image in Legally Blonde, Reese's perfect for the part of someone who's seemingly clueless at times, but oddly intuitive when it matters most (even if we know that in real life she's a clever cookie).

Maybe you sometimes get preoccupied when people are talking around you, but who cares if you jump back into the conversation with a slightly bizarre comment or two? It just means your mind has been wandering in interesting places. You, like Reese in her leading lady roles, probably prefer to dedicate your full attention into the things that give you the most joy: your friends, your family, or a cause you're dedicated to. But ultimately, that's part of what attracts people to you and why they love having your good heart and supersensitive brain around. And that's also why Reese Witherspoon would be a box-office hit in the movie of your life.

25 January 2003

Yay to spending time with Manderz upstairs!! Girls night, woohoo... When Harry Met Sally is definitely a great movie... and I was reminded so much of Jon when I heard the line that he quoted :) I do miss him so... I can't wait until he is back for good tomorrow :D *excited*
Mom came up today to bring me some things and to take me to the grocery store... I know have a boatload of food (and somehow all the frozen stuff fit into the microfridge...) and a wonderful rolling chair... Hee hee I can roll from one side of the room to the other! Not that one side of the room to the other is a very large space.. but I don't have to get up to get to the fridge now :D I'm such a lazy bum! ^_^

23 January 2003

Ah, the power of useless quizzes in order to find my own identity ^_^

You are blue. You are somewhat innocent, in the fact that your genius only extends to the physical world. You have a false sense of contentness. You are usually the quiet one, the genius. Everyone can count on you to help when they have problems, but you only fall short of being able to solve your own.

What inner color are you?

I'm trying to think of some way to add some "shazzam!" to my journal.. ie: interesting stuff... because, yeah.. my life's really rather boring. Class, chat, eat, sleep... *woohoo* anyone have any interesting ideas?
I find myself subconsciously changing my away messages to things that I should be doing.. in hopes that it will prompt me to actually do those things.... interesting theory.

It now says "Trying to organize my stuff" ... I think I'm telling myself something.... ^_^
And I thought yesterday was cold!! Holy canoli!! I didn't put on my gloves on the way home from class this morning and i swear to God my hands went numb. I was able to put some money on my card so that I can finally do laundry :) Not that I enjoy doing laundry... I'm actually sort of procrastinating it right now... hm.

Hoping that Chico will come and relieve my boredom...

22 January 2003

It is sad when I check my email and i have no new ones :( I feel a little down (not sure why) and I have been eating a lot of chocolate..

Why do I believe that people will actually care about my meager life?
It is so freaking cold outside...! You can't go two feet without freezing. I mean, Jon was wearing a couple of layers of clothing.. you know it's cold when he does that!
I'm really tired. I shouldn't be this tired... I'm pretty sure that I fell asleep around 12.30/1 and I woke up at about 9... that's enough sleep, isn't it?? My eyes are wanting to shut and my head hurts. Am I getting sick? Maybe I should attempt going to bet a little earlier today...

21 January 2003

"You're the one I need...
The way back home is always long,
But if you're close to me, I'm holidin' on.
You're the one I need...
My real life has just begun,
'Cause there's nothing like your smile made of sun;
In a world full of strangers,
You're the one I know..." Shakira ~ The One

So.. who thinks that Alex needs to get back on a Shakira kick.. anyone?? ;)
You know that feeling you have in your eyes and nose after you've been crying for a little bit? Well.. for some really odd reason I have that feeling now.. I'm not sure if it's from laughing so much ("He needs tranquilizing!") or what... It really is very odd.

It's nice being here with my girl Mandz upstairs again ^_^

...I wonder if my chico is going to come online at some point or another; because, yeah, it's been more than 10 minutes since I last saw/spoke to him so of course I'm dying ^_^
Well, let's see.. it's about day 3 of living in the single. It's pretty good times, albeit a little boring sometimes. It was killer before I had the internet... I felt completely isolated from everything. And completely bored out of my mind. Luckily Jon came around and kept me company sometimes.

Today in Tai Chi we learned about meditation (*yawn*) and watched a video of some guy doing the Tai Chi sequence (*yawn, squared*). After that I went to lunch with Mandz, Lisa, and Jen.. which was really nice. I also put in my internet form, which obviously has gone through ^_^ I chilled with Jon a bit at the library.. which is always terribly exciting.. hehe.

I can't believe that spring semester starts next week.. aah! Too much! I am wondering if my stat book is going to come in on time... if not I'm going to have to "borrow" Lauren's when I go to class. Oh well. I also can't wait for Jon's vday gift to come in! *excited*

And it's nice when things go as planned :)
Well, this is my new blog address... everything is going to stay the same, just at a different address ^_^ If you want to look at all my past archives go to My Old Random Life and check 'em out there. That's about it for now!!