14 December 2003

Urge to.. design

I really, really, want to do some graphic design - work on my new website template (which I think will turn out very nicely!) which I'm calling Mediterraneo. It has very tuscan, golden, hues complemented by a nice sea-blue. I think the layout will be nice- I'm going to incorporate a lot of things with this version that I've been wanting to put on my website (templates, icons, etc). It should be cool.

I also want to redo my blogger layout. Of course. I can't be satisfied, can I? :-P All this creative energy has to go somewhere... maybe I'll sketch out a few ideas that can be image-less (so I can just type it all up using html/css). Or something.

I'm excited: I sent an email for a "Road Trip" to an Advertising agency through my school. I really hope I can be a part of it - they do internships, and it would just be AWESOME if I could get one for the summer. Especially since I'm doing an Advertising Jan Term, which I am also excited about :) Of course, Jan Term should wind up being exciting on so many levels! Whee!

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