03 December 2003

Work, work, work

I was excited about my week because I didn't think that I had much to do. I forgot about the Case Study that is due tomorrow.. :P ..luckily it's a group project and my groupies aren't slackers like me ^_^ I got it done though, and I think it's pretty good all put together.

And... speaking of papers... the one that I was so stressed about? That I was so worried about? That I printed out the time class was supposed to be starting? Well, we got them back today... and my teacher LOVES my paper. An example for the rest of the class to follow ;) Just goes to show that I work well under pressure... or something like that... :)

It made my day great!!

Also, I made a gingerbread (graham cracker) house today during the Phi Mu COB event. It was fun, I've never made one before! I wish my digicam wasn't broken [it will get fixed over break though :D] or I would take a picture of it to share. It was a nice house (although some of the girls at half the roof and made it into a gingerbread TRAILER, LOL).

I've been thinking about my "100 things about me" ... I think of things when something happens.. only problem is I have a hard time remembering them.

I made a prototype for my photo pop-up window thing. I like it ^_^ [yay for procrastination]

I am happy because, soon, stress will be aaaallll goooone!

[whew! long post]

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