10 December 2003


It's very late at night (or very early in the morning) and I have ran out of motivation... well, it's probably better to say that I never had any motivation, and I've just decided that I won't be getting any anytime soon.

Suddenly, I'm feeling tired of the pinkness. It seemed fresh and new on my mom's computer (which shows colours differently than mine)... but eh. I'm thinking something a little more.. streamlined and, well, nicer looking. I want to add a few things, too, which will have to be worked in.. frequently read blogs, favorite websites, current read/song/whatever. Things like that. I thought I had found something really cool called BlogAmp... but apparently it only works with winamp 2.0 o.O And other plugins for 3.0 seem to only work with blogging clients (like w.bloggar). Bah humbug to that. But I do tend to have songs that I listen to over and over again for a period of time, so I can put those up without too much fuss and trouble.

I'm thinking white/cream/a pale color background with some vivid streamlined colors and images.

I wish I had my digicam. I feel like taking random pictures.

Random thought: I like the shirt I'm wearing because it makes me feel well endowed.

I'm tired... I'll study till Jon comes back from work. Blah to econ. I'll probably be getting a B in that class... A-/B+/B in Management, A/A+? in Prof Comm (I wish!), A/A- in Qual, A/A- In quant... A-/B+/B in Piano, A+ in choir...

Hmm. Not too bad... not like my straight A's (um, was it last semester? I think so! I was very proud of that. Booyah). Honestly though, I really don't stress about grades so much. Unless I think I'll be getting a C... other than that... I'm cool :-P

(wow I just ramble on, don't I!)

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