14 February 2004



I'm not really sure what to say. I'm getting a little tired... and tomorrow is Valentine's Day. I don't understand why some people really hate V-day. I mean, even when I didn't have a sig. other, I just found it fun to get stuff from my parents and do stuff for them (one year, I dressed up like cupid. It was funny. no, you can't see pictures). The only thing that bums me out is that Jon is up in Boston, and I am down here. Makes getting together on V-day a little difficult... I'm going to open his card when I wake up, and also the cards from my parents... my mom gave me a box of chocolates, too :)

I need to do laundry. Slowly the supply of underwear is dwindling.

I hope I'm not as bored tomorrow night as I was this past night. Meh.

I am the most uninteresting person ever.

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