29 June 2004


Jon's making me go to the gym tonight. Well "making" is a strong word. Mostly, he's encouraging me to, considering his entire family is going and he and Jason signed me up for a week guest pass. Plus, it'll be the only time that I'd get to see him till Thursday. I'm very intimidated. I don't like gyms, they make me feel stupid. 'Cause I have absolutely *no* idea what I'm doing. I'd much rather go for a jog or play tennis or raquetball. Much more in my line of things. Speaking of, I've been thinking of getting the key to the raquetball court and playing (very loser-like) by myself, just for the exercise. Too bad Jon is not fond of racket sports. I've had my tennis racket, tennis balls, two racquetball rackets and racquetballs up here for 2 years now, and have yet to play. Oy.

But yeah, I'm really not looking forward to this whole gym thing. Not my style at all.

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