22 June 2006

Immigration blah blah blah

Disclaimer: I really haven't done any research, I'm just thinking about what some people have said, and basing things off my own experience/knowledge.

Some people are really pissed about the illegal immigrants, it seems. They have been for some time, now. Recent immigration bill talks or whatnot has seemed to spark a resurgence of "down with illegals" chants.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this a similar thing back in the day with the Irish, the Italians, and the whoevers whenever they came into the country en masse?

(Warning: Sweeping Generalization Ahead)

Americans, for all their freedoms, seem to be rather intolerant. "Oh, we LOVE helping other people... but stay ON YOUR SIDE OF THE BORDER, BITCHES. Here, have some food."

People are upset because we're accomodating the spanish-speakers by putting up spanish signs and all that. Honestly, I think it's just a little bit of "weak"-in-large-numbers fear. Can you imagine if all the spanish-speaking immigrants actually decided to riot or something? Bad news.

Also, I think that, on the whole, it's easier in the short term to put up a sign that says "a la izquierda" in a large spanish-speaking community than to try and teach these folks some basic english (free of charge).

But they're taking away our Jobs! (whine whine whine) Honestly, it's probably cheaper to get an illegal to do your yardwork than the neighborhood teenager. You'll also probably get a better finished product (that's just saying something against the average teenager...) But think of why that is-
a) They have no rights, because they're illegal. You can charge them whatever-the-hell you want, and no one is going to say "boo" (well, they will- but only if you get caught).
b) They'll take it, because if they could get better money at home, they'd be back there (oftentimes) with their families.
c) Conveniently, you don't have to pay taxes on them, nor do you have to conform to any silly "labor laws" (see a).

Can you imagine? Getting $2 to $3 dollars an hour is good? When you know that you can't live here on minimum wage ($5.15/hr in MD)?


Here's some personal Q&A.

Should immigrants learn English?
Yes. But the government should subsidize basic english programs. These can be supplemented by paid programs and non-profits in the area. If we want them to speak English so bad, SOMEONE HAS TO TEACH THEM. There are already programs out there, but I really think that the government should be involved. It'll benefit the community in numerous ways. I don't think it's necessary for them to speak English all the time. Culture is important. It means diversity, and diversity is a wonderful thing.

Should illegals be allowed to work?
A tricky question. Off the bat- I say yes. I wish it were easier for immigrants to get green cards or whatever they need to work here. If there was some process that allowed this, it would create an even playing field for everyone involved. If Joe Blow Citizen wants to do yardwork, and Juan Jimenez Mexicano wants to as well, they'll be paid similarly, and simply judged on work ethic. It won't be ... well, we can get Juan for $3 cheaper than Joe, so we'll go with Juan.
It'll make the immigrants happy, because then they can get more money, and be able to help their families out even more at home. The only people that I could imagine being UNHAPPY about this, are the companies that currently EMPLOY ILLEGALS (and enjoy the nice ROI by doing so).

Just a quick jot-down. Will probably clean it up a bit, later.


Anonymous said...

Minimum wage is $6.15 in MD, FYI. :)

Alex said...

Ah, well, I knew it had gone up. Forgot about that.

?No hablas espanol? haha. That would have been way to taxing on my spanish minor knowledge. Though definitely would've been ironic.

I don't think we should do the whole come one, come all, thing. But people are coming in, that's for certain, and many of them can't be here legally.

My limited knowledge of the whole thing doesn't really help me. I just see so often "omg, I hate those illegals coming in and taking over our country" or "why are they using my tax dollars to pay for spanish signs, *I* don't read spanish" yadda yadda yadda. Basic american intolerance crap.