18 March 2004

Spring Break

It's been a busy Spring Break. Not much rest or anything... South Carolina - reveling in warmth! - from Saturday to Wednesday. Oh, the weather was like a comfy blanket! Unfortunately, it was rather boring.

Today, went to Bank of America to see about a summer job - unfortunately, they only have summer openings on the Eastern Shore. Somehow, I doubt I would be able to afford an apartment and save money at the same time. I'm going to check out other banks in the area, and also talk to my cousins - I really just want a nice, normal, 9-5 job. I'm also going to see about working at school over the summer - DEFINITELY would enjoy that :)

This afternoon, Jon came down to see me and to FINALLY take me to see LOTR 3... He surprised me by coming down an hour earlier than expected :) It's always so good to see him after we've been apart for a while. It's going to be hard after I graduate, and he's in France. Oh well - I'll write him lots of letters... I've always wanted to write love letters :)

LOTR was really good... correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there supposed to be more battles in the Shire after the Hobbits came back and realized that a tryannical rule had been set in place? I read the trilogy last summer, so my memory may be tricking me. Of course, that would have probably made the movie about 4.5 hours long vs. 3.5 hours.

Tomorrow we're going to see Stephen Lynch at the Recher Theatre in Towson - and eating dinner somewhere over there, too. It should be fun :) I'm spending the night at his house, and after that - only one day till we're back at school and spending the majority of our time together, again! :P

As a side note, it will be very fun to turn 21. I can't wait to sip cocktails at a restaurant :D Cosmos, margaritas (on the rocks), and all sorts of fruity concoctions... hee hee hee! And of course, for Jon's birthday I'm going to make it a beer extravaganza for him. "Kegs" and eggs for breakfast (really, just bottles, not a keg, but it rhymes...), and all sorts of fun all day :) YEAH for our birthdays being on Saturday this year!

Have I mentioned that I absolutely love the His Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pullman? I love the intermingling of science, philosophical issues, and fantasy that he threads through the stories. The kind of thing "uber" christians would have banned. No offense. I'm rereading the trilogy over break... well, I hope to reread it, I've finished book I, and now I'm in the middle of book II... I think I'll go to bed now and finish it so I can start the third, where everything comes together in such an interesting manner, it's wonderful...

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