29 June 2004


Jon's making me go to the gym tonight. Well "making" is a strong word. Mostly, he's encouraging me to, considering his entire family is going and he and Jason signed me up for a week guest pass. Plus, it'll be the only time that I'd get to see him till Thursday. I'm very intimidated. I don't like gyms, they make me feel stupid. 'Cause I have absolutely *no* idea what I'm doing. I'd much rather go for a jog or play tennis or raquetball. Much more in my line of things. Speaking of, I've been thinking of getting the key to the raquetball court and playing (very loser-like) by myself, just for the exercise. Too bad Jon is not fond of racket sports. I've had my tennis racket, tennis balls, two racquetball rackets and racquetballs up here for 2 years now, and have yet to play. Oy.

But yeah, I'm really not looking forward to this whole gym thing. Not my style at all.

26 June 2004

My nectarine. I *heart* nectarines. Yummy yum yum. Posted by Hello

23 June 2004

I had to document my "dramatic eyes" experiment. I really like how it turned out... Hair isn't *great*, but it's adequate ^_^

I really like the spontenaity of this pic.

My blog is turning into a photoblog. Not sure if this is a good thing or not :P Posted by Hello

21 June 2004

A close up of the arrangement. I love irises in general, and I really like how graceful the dragonflowers look... I was surprised by that. Posted by Hello

I went to the grocery store to buy some essentials and some non-essentials. I was pulled into the flowers section and wound up buying some irises, alstomeria (sp?) lilies, and dragonflowers. I think the arrangement turned out rather nicely.. I might get some more flowers and fill in the bottom some more. I love the colors, though. Posted by Hello

20 June 2004

Moving on to a fun filled night at the end of the semester. I think it was like friday night of exam week or something like that.

Marcia is acting crazy, as usual. I think I'll leave you guys with this for now ^_^ More will come of this night Posted by Hello

Everyone getting down on the dance floor.. ohhh riight... (yeah the girl in the corner looks kinda creepy with the red-eye thing going on. Oops) Posted by Hello

Awww, geez. I heart my boys :) So cute! And *so* proud to be an Alpha Sigma Phi Lavalier (as of that night, too!) Too bad no one had my camera for that moment. Posted by Hello

Some fun pictures from the Alpha Sig formal on April 30th... yeah... a little while ago ^_^ I just wound up hooking my camera up yesterday to my computer. I forgot about the photos, actually!

It appears that I caught Rusty playing "grab-ass" ... hehehe Posted by Hello

17 June 2004

Feeling good never felt so great ^_^

The past couple of days have been really good to me.

Yesterday, I was having a "good me" day. I looked and felt really good. For some reason, my hair turned out wonderfully - I had it up, and it wound up having this wonderfully classic look about it, not to mention that I actually wore jewelry and perfume (L'Interdit for the first time!), which is rare for me. I felt very confident, just because I liked how I looked.

The Boys State boys amuse me. They're very polite and gentlemanly (most of the time.. boys will be boys!), which I'm very happy about - I'm glad *someone* is teaching young men nowadays how to treat a lady. I think they may have even gotten the hang of marching. They were kind of shaky with that at first. Anyway, yesterday I came to dinner the same time as the State boys were, and one of their leaders/chaperones definitely made them stop as I cut in line for my silverwear, and then brought me to the front of the line for food. Definitely made me feel special... hehe.

Today, I was *completely* psyched when Glar had its Iced Tea machine fixed!! Hey.. it's the little things :)

A lady definitely walked in today that had a chihuahua strapped to her in front, baby-style. It was adorable. I guess no one can really stop you if it's strapped to ya. Hehe.

Nothing is more fun than having glimmery peach fingernails, then bubblegum-bright, sparkly toenails ^_^ hehe.

16 June 2004


I added an all-important 21st birthday countdown.

Campus Safety (Aka sampus cafety) gave me a parking ticket for parking in the faculty/staff parking lot. Um. Currently, I *am* staff of the college. I'm heading over now to wrangle this out.

edit (1.44): The director still is out of the office, even though we were told he'd be back in "about an hour" about an hour ago. Now, they say he'll be there at about 2.30, "give or take". Right. I'm calling at three. Of course, he also said that "we don't really keep track of tickets over the summer. They're more like a warning." So what about the lecture on "parking regs are in effect 24/7 365 days a year" to Lizzie? Hm.

10 June 2004

La la la...

I found it really cool that one of the girls in the suite was listening to the Doves. They're a great band.

Yesterday I found a 4-leaf clover on the way to work. It really brightened my day :)

This morning, Jon took me out to lunch at Harry's. It was very yummy, and really made my day a whole lot better.

Work wasn't bad... finished The Dante Club. Good book. Now, I'm going to amuse myself somehow or another.

08 June 2004


Today I got treated by mom to a surprise and several nice things. The surprise was that she was coming up to bring mail and come see me. Unfortunately, my room was a disaster area... there should have been yellow tape around the whole thing ^_^ Ironically, I was going to clean my room anyhow, but the fact that my mom called an hour before she was to be here certainly made things move a bit faster than they normally would have. It actually (comparatively) looks rather nice right now. I have floor space! Perhaps the rug will find its home soon, then.

Mom treated me to lunch and some shopping; it was really nice :) I got several things that I've been wanting- perfume (L'Interdit), a new summer purse (Nine West, and it actually should do quite nicely well into fall), sunglasses (finally! They're glamorous, too); and a pair of black thong sandals considering I seem to have misplaced mine somehow. Of course, the perfume cost as much as the other three combined... oh well. It's going to be my "evening" perfume anyway. I'm excited :)

Worked from 3-11 today, which was nice... heh.. heh. Well, it's a good pay period at least. And, as per usual, I really didn't *do* anything so, really, who's to complain?

03 June 2004


I'm slowly getting more settled in my room. I wish there was more to do at night though.. sometimes I feel a bit lost and isolated. Meh... oh well.

Today is such a beautiful day; I think I may go for a run after I get off work.

I wish I could hang out with Jon a little bit today, considering it's his day off.

Just a few tidbits.